Phew~I've just finally finished unpacking all my stuff! And honestly, I'm still so much in my 'sleeping mode', it's just that I have so much work to do it's like all the work just come at once right after I returned from my trip! No choice lar, the work means money, also means another trip~! Yay~!
Anywayz, you can now tuck in your seat belt and continue with my journey in Hong Kong! Let's go~!
Day 4 - Taipei==>Hong Kong
As much I wanted to stay on in Taipei to see more of the city and to see more of Shawn (小马), I needed to go back to Hong Kong to continue my travelling plan. Left Taipei at 8am, arrived in Hong Kong around 9 something and got a bus back to Mong Kok (public transportation in Hong Kong and Taipei airport are so much more convenient compared to in KL!) to meet up with Karen again.
After some rest and a quick shower, we left to Kam Zhong 金钟。
Today's plan is the Mademe Tussaud's Wax House! If Disneyland and Wong Dai Xin were the two places demanded by Aunty Karen, then the wax house is on top of my must-go list! So I was all excited about it despite all the non-stop travelling! Before that, we found a tiny Char Can Teng (ok, most Char Can Teng in HK are tiny) there to have our lunch. I cannot remember the name of the Char Can Teng, it's probably
Tuck Meng or
Meng Tuck...
Haha, luckily the waiter didn't put his fingers in the tea~! :p
What is a Char Can Teng meal without nice Hong Kong style milk tea???
Look yummy, isn't it??? It is yummy!
Karen said she must try this ham and egg rice in Hong Kong!
The fried chicken wing was so-so only...
Char Can Teng is one of the stuff in Hong Kong we Malaysians are curious about I guess. We always see people eating at a Char Can Teng in Hong Kong dramas, while we only have stuff like
Kim Gary here, which are like over-commercialized. So what is your Hong Kong trip if without a Char Can Teng meal? Nothing!!! Well I love my pasta in minestrone soup a lot, especially when it is served with pork chop, something so rare in Malaysia! But I must say, their Char Can Teng food are often without vegetables! Look at Karen's ham and egg rice! It's really just ham, egg and rice! ==|||
And then all of a sudden Aunty Karen's relative called and said they wanna meet her before they head back to Shenzhen. So I was left alone for a while at the 太子广场(Prince Mall?) near by. That was when I went crazy in the FCUK boutique!
OMG!!! Look at the price, look at the 60% sales tag!!! And then, and then... The salesman came and told me, all are now with another 20% off! OMG!!! That's like unbelievably CHEAP!!! You can NEVER get that kinda price in FCUK Malaysia! So in the end I left the shop smiling with a piece of dress and a shirt for my dad for HKD400=less than RM200!!! Wakakakakaka... I LOVE HONG KONG!!!
The toilet in太子广场is so damn cool~!
Oh then finally Karen came back and we took a bus to the peak where the
Mademe Tussuad's Wax House is lcoated at. It took us about 30 minutes to reach the peak I guess. But I consider the bus fare of HKD9.80 quite cheap lar.
The Wax House was so crowded but then it was still ok as we still get our turn to take pictures with those celebrities! :)
I didn't know the wax house's building is also so bloody cool lar~!
The first person we took picture with was the new guy in Hong Kong... President Barrack Obama. Oh he is so handsome they made us pay to take a picture with him!
There you go~ The main guy in the US~!
And then we also met some really famous celebrities, sport stars, politicians, etc...
Meryl Streep is definitely one of my favourite actresses!
This one... Is only because I wanna show my aunty who is a fan of him...
Shirlexia Tan wanna be a member of the royal family... Too bad Prince William is 'almost' taken lar!
Booo~Booo~Booo~ To Mr Bush!
Miss Soo Meng Han in New Zealand! See, I'm hugging your darling Lau Wah! Kekekeke...
There is really fan 'down there' you know~!
Okay lar, they don't have Tobey Maguire or Matt Damon, I have to go with Johnny Depp!
Ooooopsss... That's me molesting David Beckham when Mrs Beckham isn't around!
See, Tiger Woods is looking at my... :p
This one is a total failure lor. Doesn't look like Madonna at all, except for the pair of boobs!
Beat it~ Beat it~ Wooo~Wooo~!
I wanna hold your hands... I wanna hold your hands... And I'm holding you head!
So, guys, you envy of me grabbing Jolin Tsai's ass???
Well, I must say I had fun taking pictures with the whole load of celebrities in there. And I didn't know they actually have special effects for those 'people'! Like sound effect for fire crackers, piano playing, etc. Some even have costumes for you to wear on! So bloody cool lar! But I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed with the little amount of celebrities I've met. I mean, I was expecting more lar. Like urm... Why is there no Tobey Maguire? He is the Spiderman ler!
And why the hell is there Leon Lai, Aaron Kwok and Andy Lau but not Jacky Cheong??? Jacky Cheong is the one they should have like in the 'topest' of their list! And then there are Miriam Yeung, Joey Yueng, even Janice Wai Lan, and NO EASON CHAN??? Are you kidding me???? Eason is now even the spokeperson for Hong Kong tourism and he couldn't get a place there in the wax house? That's really crazy!
And then we paid HKD20 to go on top of the building to see what we call... The entire Hong Kong... Well, we were expecting the wax house to be a long visit mah, it turned out to be such a short journey! So we cannot capture the night scenery there lor, have to do with the afternoon hot sun! But okay lor, the pictures are pretty nice! :)
Very tall buildings all over the city of Hong Kong.
Of course, that's me wanting to take a pic with 'the whole of Hong Kong'!
One with Aunty Karen, my dear partner for the fun-filled trip!
And then, we went down to Tsim Sha Tsui for our planned shopping spree! Yay~!
尖沙咀Suzie屋企多靓衫~!橙沟绿米衬蓝.......So what about尖沙咀Shirlexia???
We actually spent some time to get to the place Bear told us to go(which is Lei Si Guang Cheong 利时广场and the shops nearby). B
ut as we reached there, the whole shopping spree just became SO SO SO FUN~! The stuff here in Hong Kong are so cute! And as we only go for non-branded stuff, they are SO FREAKING CHEAP!!! I grabbed like so many pieces of nice & cheap clothes there! Best of all, I found
Cotton On in Hong Kong! For your info,
Cotton On is one of the Aussie brands that I love to get casual attire from when I was studying in Perth.
Cotton On in Hong Kong is a bit more fashionable and cool. But I only got a pair of slippers there that night but... Hahaha... I spent like over HKD700 only in
Cotton On the next day! :p
One of the 粥粉面饭, her name is Snow and she owns a shop in 利时广场!She is so pretty, cute and nice she gave me HKD26 discounts!
After that we got back to Mong Kok. First, we got some street snack as our fast and late dinner.
Ooooohhh... The snail meat was AWESOME!!!!!!!! I want more of that please~!
Oh man, I love this picture so so much~!
Captured this picture before the aunty there went: Wei xiu che, ng yeng dak xiong ga!
You all must try the snail meat there! Bloody delicious man!!!
We were supposed to continue shopping at Mong Kok Centre旺角中心, but then the overly kan cheong Aunty Karen said we better go for dessert at
Yee Sun before they close rather than shopping...==||| So, the younger me (:p) obeyed the elderly people's decision and thus we walked all the way to
Yee Sun for the famous dessert! And... They only close at 12am lar!
Yee Sun at a glance... THEY ONLY CLOSE AT 12 FREAKING AM!!!
Yee Sun sells very famous Steamed Egg and Steamed Milk! The whole atmosphere at the cafe is better than what I've expected. It's quite cool-looking and comfortable to dine in at.
BUT BUT BUT... Most importantly! The food! OMG the Steamed Egg and Steamed Milk are SO FREAKING NICE! Okay, I think the Steamed Milk is better lar, it's like so bloody delicious! I don't know how to explain it, the milk tastes a bit like with some chocolate or something in it... But I must say, the Steamed Milk is the BEST FOOD AMONG ALL THE FOOD I'VE TRIED IN HONG KONG! So, this is a super must-try for you guys who are going to Hong Kong soon! :)
冰花敦鸡蛋The Steamed Egg... A bit to 'eggy' if you finish the whole thing by yourself.
Yum~Shirlexia gives a thumb-up~!
Stay tune for the final part of my journey in the coming post, and as usual, you can go to my Facebook for more of these nice pictures from my trip! :)
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Thanks! :)