Thursday, February 28, 2008
A Night with the Backstreet Boys!
I got some of the videos here, they might not be so clear, and every time I zoomed, the sound just disappear! Anywayz, here they are...
First of all... More than that
My favourite BSB's song of all, All I Have to Give
A very short one from Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely
Quit Playing Games with My Heart, the song that I love the MV more than the song! Hehehe...
And a short clip of the guys dancing! Woo~Hoo~!
And please excuse me for the VERY loud singing and screaming at the back! Yea... It was me, don't ask me who's that crazy woman...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Backstreet's Back, Alright!!!
I thought Backstreet Boys' concert is on a weekend until last night when I chatted with Pat did I found out it was today, which was actually my off day! So I ended up buying the ticket today and went to the concert straight away with Ducum and her friends! And that was only my second concert after David Tao's way back in 2003! Damn, that was long long long time ago! And it was my first time attending an American band concert too!
So... I was a bit worry that the number of people at the concert would be little. I mean, it's Wednesday and Backstreet Boys is like a Pop band ages ago! I even know that there would be people who would laugh at me saying it's so cheesy to love a Pop band. True, nowadays it seems everybody is into rock bands such as Linkin Park or My Chemical Romance. But I don't care. I can proudly tell ya, I LOVE BSB!!! I'm a HUGE fan of the guys since their first album back in somewhere 1995 or 1996 when I was still in primary school!
Anywayz, it turned out the crowd was quite big! And surprisingly I saw many of BSB's male fans!
And almost everybody was so high! It was the first time the BSB is back after the Tsunami concert. That was what they said. I thought it was more than 10 years ago when they came for their first album promotion. I think the reason the concert was so great was the fact that we all know almost all the songs except for some which are quite new to us. The atmosphere was so high when everybody just sang along with the guys! At times I can't even hear the guys singing, it was all our voices!
We have some really famous love songs such as As Long As You Love Me, Quit Playing Games With My Heat, All I Have to Give, I'll Never Break Your Heart, etc. And then some dance songs such as Everybody, Larger Than Live, The Call, etc. They of course made changes in the arrangement of the songs and it made it hard for us to guess what was the next song until they started singing. But that was really nice because you can't really stick to the original ones cos they are probably out-of-date now, seriously they were just awesome! Like some of the songs they made it sounds like rock songs that we just jumped up and down like we were at a Rock concert! And though it was a bit weird to see these guys, now some already 30 something dancing, I still take it! I mean, it was really really great to get to see them live in Malaysia! The four also did their solos. Howie sang some kinda Spanish song and although I always think he's the weakest in terms of vocal, it was the first time I see him shaking his body like that! A.J. was next, a Rock song from him, and he was the stand-out of all in terms of performance! Nick also sang a half-Rock but it was just okay... And then it was the funny Brian, singing his famous Welcome Home... Only if Kevin was there it would be perfect! Kevin was my favourite Backstreet 'Boy'!
The concert lasted 2 hours and I certainly didn't feel like leaving. It wasn't enough! 15 years of BSB and they have still some other hit songs that they didn't sing! But overall what a great and awesome show! Less talking and more singing. Really enjoyed it, proved it with my sweat, my dirty feet, and my voice! BACKSTREET BOYS, GREAT SHOW! LOVE YOU GUYS!
P/S: Thanks to the sponsorship of Shirlexia, it was also Ducum's first concert of her life. All she could say after the concert was, "Syok!"
I have also some videos that I'm trying real hard to upload them in Youtube and I'll put them all on here later to share with you guys!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Malaysia Ironman 2008 Langkawi
As a member of the media.
I shall say I wasn't that excited about covering the competition. I mean, in Malaysia who cares about the Ironman race? But now that I've been there, I'm glad that I've went and hope to come back for it one day. Why? You ask?
Second reason for me to love the event was there were LOTSA NIHON JIN!!! After leaving my Japanese language all back in Perth, it was a great opportunity for me to talk to them with my broken Japanese. Okay, I know part of it was to show-off (Kakakaka...), but I can't really show-off much because my Japanese is really 'limited'. Anywayz, most of them whom I talked to were the seniors, who seriously don't look like their age! We exchanged e-mail address and watch out for my next Project S guest from Japan! YeeHahhh~!!!
Well it was also NOT TOO BAD getting to meet the other reporters whom were really helpful and brought me to some interesting places in Langkawi! And not to forget the drinking night a night before we left Langkawi, although I didn't stay for long!
Love the shopping spree too! Had to buy whiskey and cigarettes for my colleagues which limited some other stuffs that I can buy. But still, bought lots of chocolates which I can't really eat right now because of a something... And damn they are cheap!!!
So there went my second outstation assignment with my current job. Thank god I survived! Touch wood, this time I came back without having to stay in the hospital like my first trip!
长江7号 CJ7

Saturday, February 23, 2008
Just now, I arrived at the media centre of the Ironman Malaysia at Dataran Lang, took my food for breakfast, and one of the Malay guys who was also from the media (god only knows which press he's from) was getting up from his seat to get more food. I NEVER thought of taking over his seat, but he turned to me while taking his food, and said:"Eh, I belum habis lagi tau!" So I just told him I know, but in my heart I was like, WTF? I mean I know you're not done yet, and even if you want to tell me that you still want your seat, tell me in a proper way lar! By saying "Eh, I belum habis lagi tau!" sounds like you're so stingy and not gentleman at all! Some other people might even let me take the chair and then take another chair for himself, okay? Fuck,Malaysian men are terrible!
The worst thing is, after that, he just kept on eating and took food for the third time! And then he was telling his friends there that he better go to sleep after eating.......
Oh man, rude, not gentleman, eat too much(when he's already quite fat) and lazy... He'll definitely be getting a long face from me the whole day or anytime I see him again!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Shirlexia Tan, reporting live from Langkawi
I'm now at Langkawi, covering the 2008 Malaysia Ironman. It was a last minutes call, but I'm feeling great about it since I was already thinking of coming here during the CNY break to visit JE, who now has a cafe here. I met her at the airport yesterday, but I really hope to spend some time at her cafe later.
It's just the second day now, the race is scheduled tomorrow while I'm flying back to KL on Monday.
So far nothing much yet, just that I'm excited meeting some Japanese here and talked to them in my broken Japanese. Hopefully I get to interview one of them for Project S.
Anywayz, here are some pictures to share with...
Well, before I came to Langkawi, on the way to KL Central from Sunway, I found this very interesting billboard ad...
And you know the election fever is here! But you know I'm always not interested with the politics stuffs...
What I concern more is Edison Chen...

Honestly, I know Edison is a smart guy, that's definitely NOT the end of everything for him. Everybody knows he's breaking into the Hollywood's world of entertainment!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Girls, please protect yourself!

Sunday, February 17, 2008
也因为之前的一次爆笑经验,我问他的第二个问题就是,他是不是很怕教练Rexy Mainaky离开的那一天。“他有在的时候当然要珍惜啦,他要走我也阻止不到的嘛!”
然后就是有次我已经离开RTM了,他们刚勇夺全英赛冠军回来,我以前的制作人通过我的帮助找到健杰上节目接受访问,而文宏却在吉打过着他的“honeymoon”,所以他们决定在节目中途打电话给他,来个连线访问。当时因为我在,而且我的旧同事(马来人)打给他时他似乎不懂到底发生了什么事,所以我直接把电话接过来,用华语跟他解释。而访问期间主持人突然问他,如果有一天Rexy不再是他的教练时他会怎样?他反应很大的说:“Har? Dia sudah tak mau jadi coach ke? Bila dia cakap ini?”当时我们整个录影棚的人都笑翻了,包括我也在里面笑到直在原地跳!访问完毕,我没有直接盖上电话,他立刻问我:“怎样?怎样?刚才可以吧?我的马来文是不是进步很多哩?”我…….一时真的给不了他什么反应,只觉得他这个小子还蛮好玩的嘛!
Saturday, February 16, 2008


Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day @ Ayer Tawar
It took us about 1 and a half hour to reach there and we first visited our uncle or we call 'go tiao gong' in Hokkien(my late grandfather’s late sister’s husband). That was the first time I met him after probably 8-10 years time. So it was really nice to see him again although he doesn’t recognize me anymore. He is 90 this year, so give him a break. He can still ride on a motorbike to the market everyday! Anywayz, it was just a short visit at the old house, which you may find it really interesting.
And then… Ta da… The lunch that I was soooo looking forward to! The Hock Chew lunch that is a must! Though I can’t really remember much of the taste of the food the last time I had them, the dishes are still very special. Let me introduce them to you…
Look yummy? Haha, I can’t help ya, they are all in my stomach now! Hehehe…
Of course, another must in Ayer Tawar is surely the ‘Kong Piang’. It’s a kinda biscuit a.k.a bread that is made in a hot pot like how people make naan at the mamak restaurant. They have both empty ones and also with pork. I always love them! It’s yummy yummy…
And… The day trip was done on a Valentine’s Day! There went my 2008 Valentine’s Day!
To all of you, Happy Valentine’s Day!!!