Honestly, if not for the shooting I was forced to do last night, I could have gone to the finale at 1 Utama. And after knowing Cindy won the title, I regretted more for not going. If I were there I would be the loudest boo-er when they announce the result, BOO CINDY, BOOOOOO!!! I wish I know all the swear words in every single language that I can just swear on her face!
Alright, I supposed not many of you know or even notice there is such show. So let's start all over here.

Don't ask me why, I have no idea why it is called Malaysian Dreamgirl when it is not about searching for a dreamgirl, but a model. They started off with 12 finalists. Some of them are like really forgettable lor, especially the very weird-looking Natasha. I think I first like Nadia, the very garang Malay girl. But I knew from the beginning that she is not going to win, solely because she is DEFINITELY NOT TALL ENOUGH to be a model. The same goes to the so-called wild card Ringo, the celebrity blogger. She is pretty and cute (or pretend to be cute) but she is just too short to be a model. Jean went out herself before the real competition starts. I love her hair after the make-over! Valarie has the personality but not fan base I guess. Alison and Jay look too alike that I had to think twice when writing the caption for the above picture. Then the MCA group of Adeline and Cindy, plus the three other Malays Eyna, Fiqa (love her) and Hanis the manis(love her too).
Well having a group of girls (=bitches) staying under one roof, fighting out for the title, you can expect nothing but drama, drama and drama. I'm gonna skip all those and leave it to you to watch it yourself. But the drama really does play an important role in deciding who's your favourite and who you hate. Nadia is not that 'friendly' but I think I would blame it on her look lar. The BITCHIEST one is gonna be Cindy, who eventually became the winner. I'm sorry lor for not being creative. Most girls in the show or watched the show hate her, and I admit I have to follow the trend. Out of all the hateness I have in her, there is only one line I would like to describe her.

I don't know if she was from a Chinese school, so I can't say a shame to all Chinese school students. How dare she call people 'ma lai po' and 'in du po' on a show? My god, that just shows how un-educated she is! Like the aunties in the kampung like that ar! I'm serious, not even my mom says that! Shame on you, Cindy, shame on you Cindy! And like they say everytime off the screen she is quite normal, but when on screen she speaks English with an Aussie accent, you kneow, my eye bro~~wwws... What ever shit lar Cindy, you seriously sounds terrible! And May was right, she sounds just like the annoying Phua Chu Beng's wife Margaret when she was doing her acting task.
To me, she is not even pretty. She just has this typical Chinese girl look lor, especially when she came to the audition with her bloody out-dated long hair and deep-v red dress that was so la-la! Ho Swee Kim said she looks like a karaoke waitress. I have to agree, I mean, those 'special waitress' 'zhong guo mei' ler, you kneow (oh man, I'm so good in imitating Cindy)... I can't believe Kenny was so amazed looking at her!!! Maybe Kenny is also quite a la-la person, I don't kneow...
And Cindy saved the best for the last when she started bitching about her best friend in the show, Adeline. I totally think Adeline did nothing but won most of the challenges, which made you kneow, someone very jealous lor...

But however you hate her, she still won the title, thanks to her very rich dad whom I don't kneow how much he spent just on the sms votes, who also sounds like Eric Tsang. I would love to have a dad like him, he is just so super duper supportive of his daughter!

She didn't even deserve to be in the top 3!!!

Adeline and Hanis finished second and third...
Read this to know more about the top 3.
I didn't like Adeline at the audition. She was the opposite of Cindy. She can't speak English well and she answer questions stupidly. She said her favourite model is Amber Chia! Oh my god! I'm not saying Amber is not good, but that's like such a lame answer! But in a way, I think she is just like Amber, an Chinese-ed without good English. Luckily Adeline's Mandarin is better than Amber lor. Amber is not good in all languages...
After the make-over, I started to like her because of the new hair-style she has. Damn cool lor! But she never really have good pictures because no matter how sweet she is and how cute she looks when she is smiling, she never really smiled for the picture. And the face is sooooo long that I just have to shake my head... Wasted only!

I do, however think she is a model material. She is tall, she is pretty and you know what, she won most of the challenges in the show! And her English, though still need some serious improvement, had improved so much during the show. I feel really happy for her on that. I was going to vote for her in the final but forgot. Well, I don't think that helps lar, Cindy's dad is so much more richer than me... Grrrhhhhh...
Hanis... Hanis... She is just soooooo sweet I think all guys just want her to be their girlfriend.
I really do love her, but that's just because she is sweet and cute. I'm still in doubt whether she can be a good model or not. She looks like just too much a typical Malay girl. Her first photo shoot photo was TERRIBLE. She looks like she just woke up and got dragged to take a passport photo.

Ironically, her final photo-shoot was BRILLIANT! The best of the top three, damn classy ler!

To Adeline and Hanis, good luck!
To Cindy, fuck off!
And I can't believe I just put so many Cindy's photos in this post!!! Fucking pollution to my blog!!!
Of course, this is the first Malaysian Dreamgirl. And it wasn't that good. Here are some of my suggestions...
1) If there is going to be a second Malaysian Dreamgirl, I think more promotions has to be done. I mean, this one, if I'm not a fan of Kenny Sia, I wouldn't even know there is such thing going on. Lack of promotion=not many people know=not many quality models in the show
Seriously, no offend, the quality was really bad.
2) Get more microphones!!!
That was what I was really annoyed throughout the whole show. When all the girls stand together, I can't hear them talking, is there actually a boom mic or anything? And I remember once Jimmy brought the girls to a photo-shoot where he introduced all the models that he 'loves', he would say this is who who who, and then asked the model to answer where he/she comes from and all. But All I could hear was what Jimmy said, I can't hear a word from the models! Can't they just give him/her a mic?
3) Be Punctual
On uploading the episodes!!!
4) Kenny Sia, buck-up or don't judge the next Malaysian Dreamgirl, Okay?
Like I said, I'm a fan of Kenny Sia, I still remember how excited I was meeting him earlier this year. I understand Uncle Kenny, that you're there to represent the internet-ers' opinions. But seriously what I can see is, you put all the girls who came in with really sexy clothes on, like Cindy's deep-v or some super short skirt in. What is that? You are not here to pick the most sexiest girl or to pick a porn movie star. Like Elaine said, it's Malaysian Dreamgirl, not Kenny's Dreamgirl lor. And like Ho Swee Kim said, 'judge with your head, not your dick!'

Till then, hasta la vista, Malaysian Dreamgirlzzzz...