I sort of think it feels a bit odd to always do mummy's talk on my own, so I'm making this mummy's talk entry into a letter to my future son...
Yo son!
By now, you are around 24-week-old already, time really flies hey! In a blink you will be out in this world sharing the good and bad with papa and me, plus a lot more people who will surely love you a lot.
In fact, by now, many have showed their love for you already! Ah Ma (my mum) and Mama (Papa's mum) are already buying some nutritious food and soup base for me so that you and me can be healthy and both have bought you cute clothes too! Your 2e and 3e (my sisters) have already bought me a classical music CD set to let you listen to (even though I still prefer pop music). Even at work, colleagues have been feeding me and you well, some kindly passed on some secondhand stuff for you and me and I'm very thankful for that. Papa and mummy aren't that rich so it is quite normal that I very much welcome secondhand baby stuff since those stuff are just temporary cos you will grow damn fast!
Papa and mummy haven't been buying a lot of necessities for you yet but I promise, we will, soon! I have been pretty obsess with buying clothes for you though, especially cute onesies! The other day we were at
Debenhams where they were having sales and I couldn't resist buying you another set of onesies that are too cute to resist, even though they aren't even cheap! But since papa approved, I got them for you! :) I need to stop shopping for onesies and start buying other stuff that you need though! :p
Cute to the max I can't wait to see you wearing these!!! |
Oh yes, definitely going to me my major hunk! Hehe... |
Never thought of buying this until recently cos we want to protect you from those bloody mozzies! Like the packaging say, let's kill mosquito together! LOL! |
About three weeks back, we started to feel you either kicking or punching inside my tummy and it was MAGICAL! There was once I don't know was it because of the ice-cream I ate, the song
Happy that was playing, or that you just wanted to join your cousin Jolie dancing that made you so excited that you let go two really huge kicks (ouch~) and I totally love that experience! Every single time you knock on my tummy, it puts a smile on my face. So baby, it's ok, continue to kick more cos mummy and papa both love that and I'm so glad you are such an active boy! :)
Mummy has been doing okay, sleeping well most of the time (only one night when I fell sick and was unable to breathe properly because of the nose block), only occasionally feeling down because of how big I look now. In fact now when I look down, you are so big I can't see my own private part anymore. Soon, I won't be able to see my feet when I look down too! And my feet have started to swell too and all these changes are really so new to me that they worry me like crazy!
They say the third trimester will be the toughest and I'm bracing myself for that, hoping that you will continue to be a good boy and help mummy go through that difficult period with ease.
Had to changed my engagement ring and wedding ring to a smaller finger and soon, have to take them out all together when all fingers got swollen. :S |
Sometimes mummy can be damn emotional... I cry and get angry easily when people say something mean to me, my eating habits and etc. Swear words come out of my mouth and I hope you will not pick those up from me cos those are really bad words. Also, please don't be as emotional as me okay? Please, be a good boy!
Papa took these photos of me when I was busy cooking with the apron that couldn't fit my tummy with you inside anymore... :p |
Talking about eating habits, while I don't think I eat extremely unhealthy food, only sometimes some cravings for junk that I just had to take, I hate people judging me for what I eat. However, I make sure I don't take things that would hinder your growth and any development of your body and organs. Doctor told us you are growing a little too well the other time we met you through ultrasound so I'm listening to the doctor - eat healthier snacks like banana and nuts which I definitely love and so far I think you love them too! :)
I drank some ice-coffee, so what? You 'blow' ah??? |
I ate my favourite Cintan Asam Laksa too! But I felt so good after eating it!!! |
Here's how big I am now!!! |
As for papa, while he isn't a perfect husband (in fact sometimes very annoying), having you makes me realised one thing - I've never felt so sure about the fact that I've married the right person. He has been telling me if he has some kinda superpower, he would swap bodies with me and go through labour on my behalf. Isn't that sweet, baby? And the other day after the check-up, the nurse was giving us a pre-natal briefing when she said if possible, all husbands should be by the wives' side throughout the whole labour process cos the they will be in a lot of pain and needs encouragement blah blah blah... I turned to your papa and he literally wept! In front of me, the nurse and another parent-to-be couple listening to the briefing! So cute of him I just wanted to hug him but I thought it would make us cry more in front of other people so I held myself back to avoid awkwardness. Hehe...
For you and my safety and comfy, papa spent over 300 bucks buying this pair of Fitflop sandals for me. :) |
I think he will be a good father, teaching you a lot of useful stuff, just like how he has taught me. He might not be the over-protective dad (unless if you are a girl, that's a different story all together), but he will still love you a lot, that's for sure. In fact, I think he can't wait for you to grow old enough to play toys with him! Be it toy cars, toy airplane, toy helicopter or whatever you boys love to play with, he is already so excited he has been checking out the toy sections at malls more often than ever! I myself, too, can't wait to see my two boys enjoying some play time!
That's your papa checking out toys to play with you in the future! *wink~* |
Anyway, now that I have you in my tummy, I can already understand why parents always hope their kids will grow up being nice and filial to them. Mummy has to go through 9 months of pregnancy having you in my tummy with backache, nausea, growing fat and all, then God-only-knows how many hours of pain to give birth to you; then when you are out, sacrificing a lot of stuff to take care of you while papa may have to work damn hard to feed us and make sure you have enough for schooling and all... It really isn't easy being parent so we hope you would appreciate us when you are a big boy! :) One day when you become a father yourself, you will learn that yourself too.
Alright, talk to you again next time yo!
With Much Love,
Your mum, who is obviously trying to be as hip as possible