Time for a little wedding update
that is long overdue yaw!
This time around I would like to give you guys a sneak peek to our wedding theme and our choice of theme colours. :)
Choosing Our Wedding Theme
I know, right from the beginning that our wedding would not be those romantic and lovey dovey kinda occasion, simply because while Deardo and I love each other like crazy, we are not so much into the whole corny kinda stuff, publicly, at least. So we wanted to make it fun, you know like a party more than a wedding. It is after all, already going to be a boring Chinese-styled wedding, so we wanted to do something different, food aside, at least.
It was pretty easy to pick a theme - movie theme, simply because both of us love movies, like we literally grew up watching movies, and yours truly was minoring in film back in university! We have very extreme tastes sometimes though, but that just going to mean that this isn't a romance movie theme wedding! It's going to be just MOVIES!
So I googled it up and found out we are absolutely not the first couple to have a movie themed wedding.
Some ang mohs really went all out having their wedding held at a cinema! Fuuuh... Can't beat that man!
Blogger Andrea from Singapore probably has the closest ideas to ours. |
Anyway, I'm clear that with our limited budget, I'm definitely not going to try to beat these people. So without being going overboard, these are some of the stuff you can expect from our wedding: movie poster, movie-titled-table numbers, snacks for movies, loads and loads of movie soundtracks playing whole night long.
Of course, we have some that are secrets for the time being because you know, it won't be fun anymore if you know everything, right? :p
Choosing Our Wedding/Movie Title
Since we are very sure that we want a movie poster at the reception area, we had to think of a name. Some titles I found online were too common, e.g.
Mr. & Mrs something, Our Wedding, Our Big Day, The Wedding, etc. Some were pretty cool e.g.
The Search is Over, Stuck on You, etc.
Josh and Rachel's cool wedding poster/invites is by far, one of my top favourites! |
After some discussions, Deardo and I went with
Cloudy with a Chance of Wedding Bells. Clearly, we were being bias. LOL! Well,
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was the first movie we watched together so I guess that explained a lot! And plus, I actually think it's quite a cute title for a wedding! :)
Our Invites
A lot of the artworks are not done yet at the moment. My designer, Ducum Tan is a very busy person so yea there is a little delay but I think we can make it on time, fingers crossed!!!
Anyway, some of you may have received them, but here you go, our very cool (at least we think so) wedding invites!!!
Our movie-theme wedding invites! Woot~~~!!! |
Ducum gave me two designs and because I can't decide between the two of them, we went with both so some of you may get the classier one, some of you may get the rugged and fun one. Well I don't know about you but most of the people actually love the cards, so kudos to my very talented sister! *clap clap clap~~~*
As for our relatives, we also have a little card to remind them to come earlier for the tea ceremony!
The card which comes just slightly bigger than a business card. |
.JPG) |
So if you are one of my relatives like Uncle Ah Hin here, these are what you can expect from us! :) |
Design aside, yours truly did all the copy-writing so if you love them too, thank you!!! :D
Choosing the Theme Colours
This is probably the only part of the entire wedding that I will stay as traditional as possible. I mean, there is no way I am making my wedding a black wedding because the superstitious side of me just can't take that, let alone our parents or even relatives. I've also been to a church wedding with yellow and orange colours as their theme and I'm sorry to say this but the church suddenly looked more like a Chinese temple and their bridal car looks like they are ready for a Wesak Day parade! LOL!
This is absolutely breath-taking! But nah, we are not going so extreme! :p |
So we stay really safe and went for purple and pink (you probably figured that out in our invites). I think purple and pink are romantic yet not as common as white for wedding. And I think the most important part is that it is much convenient! You see, it is so easy to find purple and pink decor and flower arrangements; easier for our guests (relatives in particular) to find clothes in purple and pink and of course for myself to choose the colours for my gowns! :)
There we go, slightly more than a month to go people! Surprisingly, after we have settled the invite list, I am not as stress anymore. Of course, there are still more to come so I know the stress will come as the date draws closer and closer! So good luck to us! :p