It's been almost two months since I returned from Taiwan and about three weeks from Singapore for work purposes. Words can't explain how tiring these work trips were. A LOT of makan-ing and A LOT OF walking, like serious walking! It doesn't help too to fall sick before and during the Taiwan trip...
Anyway, I'm a bit lazy to do a serious entry on the trips, so let's do it the Buzzfeed way (again)!
14 Unforgettable Experiences During My Work Trips
*Drum roll please~~~*
In Taiwan
1) These Awesome Beverage Packaging
Shirlexia holding the Mandheling Coffee that looks more like a moisturiser bottle! |
For a few seconds I thought they were beauty products!
... Because Taiwanese Boleh!!!
2) Went to Kaohsiung (for the first time) by Train
Pleasant and speedy ride. Peaceful city.
3) Tried the World Cup-Winning Bread at Wu Bao Chun.
It was great, mostly because there were rum in it. Non-Halal stuff FTW maybe???
4) Witnessed Taiwanese in Long Qs just for Breads
Because again, Taiwanse boleh and I tak boleh. Me ain't bread lover that's why!!! ==|||
5) The Amazingly Yummy Kidney Meal. Slurp x 100000000000000000
So excited I went blur!!! |
A dish so common in Taiwan while we can only have them during confinement month. Sigh...
(My colleague just asked me to get pregnant fast just so I can eat more kidney. Siao man, siao... But that really will be fun, one day!)
6) Found and Ate the Same Beef Noodle We Had During our Last Trip
It was walking distance from our hotel and we only found out second last night of us in Taipei. It was one of
our favourite food we tried back then and it is still as awesome as it is!!! Want proof?
I had food poisoning before the trip and fell sick in Taiwan because of the cold weather and couldn't finish most of my meals but this beef noodles to me was 'mou man tai' to finish!!! *BIG HUGE GRIM~*
7) Must Do #OOTDs
Polka Dots knitted top from Forever 21. |
Mint top from Forever 21, pants from Zara, shoes with lace details from Rocha John Rocha by Debenhams. |
Over coat from H&M, blue dress from Dorothy Perkins, stockings with ribbons prints possibly from Forever 21 and shoe from Rocha John Rocha by Debenhams. |
Just because I wear absolutely different stuff in Taiwan because it was super pretty cold!!!
8) Went to a Supermarket and Stock'em Taiwanese Products up!
Cos we love them and they are cheaper in Taiwan???
In Singapore
9) Oriole Coffee
Freshly roasted and brew to suit my liking. LOL! |
Tasted extra good because I got the cuppa for free just by dropping a business card at their booth at the FHA 2014! :p
10) This Church's 'Smart' Marketing
Walked past the church everyday to get back to the hotel and I must say Jesus truly, is very up-to-date and tried His best to relate to youngsters nowadays.
11) The Famous Katong Laksa
The cockles, prawns and fish cakes tasted so different too! Thank god I've got relative like Ah Ku to bring me to some local awesomeness!!!
12) The Old Friends Gathering
Selfie that needs two hands? Failed lo... |
Never felt any tired chatting and gossiping with them!
13) The Cousin Sisters' Selfiesssss
Did I give them my phone willingly or did they hijack my phone plus Instagram?
And those captions they used! Those tongue... So hot? WHEEEEERRRT?
Well that's all from me.