Hey good morning people! Thanks to the Malaysian football team for winning the lousy Suzuki Cup, I now have some time to myself at home to crap about my wonderful 2010, while waiting for my Bat Chan soup boiling in the kitchen.
'Wonderful'? Depending on how you define that word, really.
Looking back at 2010...
One of our close family members got into trouble. Shocking and saddening. But I do believe the incident not only brought the family closer to each other, but also Deardo Wong closer to the family because of his help throughout the whole thing.
As Papo and Mamo grow older (and cuter), our relationship actually got better. Ah well, maybe also because Papo is older and not so fierce anymore! :p
My two Ah Mas fell sick this year and we were so worried! And they both lost so much of weight! I must thank god for helping them in surviving the sicknesses and I really want to spend more time with them in the future!

Relationship, or to be accurate, a real relationship is actually something new to me. Dating Deardo Wong for a year plus now is actually sort of like an achievement to me. Being in a relationship that long takes a lot of patience, that is what I learned. Being in a relationship also means when you do things you gotta think about your other half.
But I guess no matter how bad his temper is, no matter how not romantic as I've expected of him, I'm still extremely glad to have him by my side. I couldn't even imagine how is it going to be like without him by my side in the tough and challenging year 2010!!!
To Deardo Wong, who is now working in Maldives, HAPPY NEW YEAR AND I LUP YA~~~!!!

I was left without a job for a few months, which actually terrified me a bit. Thankfully after a few interviews I'm now attached to a company. Not too bad a company but honestly I'm still very much overwhelm with the work load given to me. I'm still trying my best to cope with it while telling myself it's okay to wake up earlier in the morning to work...
I'm also still trying my best to cope with the working style in a big office where I'm surrounded by office politics and evil people. I've never had such experience before in my entire life and I think it has actually turned me into someone tougher.
So while I have to be worried with my own work, I also have to be extremely careful with words I say, or even a facial expression will let slip a chance for people to pick on me. Scary isn't it? It's tiring actually, to have to be cautious about so many things!
Like Ah Fa, I just wish I can have a lot of money and retire earlier. Becoming a boss or a tai tai is now my ultimate goal!!! :p
Looking forward in 2011...
Honestly, my new year wish is simple... I just want a better year because my 2010 kinda sucked!
And by the way...