It is now approximately seven months away from our wedding date and while the feeling of becoming Mrs. Wong hasn't really kick-in, preparation for the wedding has been forced to start as early as last year. And with much surprise, the bridezilla in me has already showed up! Follow my story below to know why...
Wedding Date
This was an easy one. We wanted to not have so many anniversaries so we have decided that it should be on our anniversary. And since it will be a Saturday... Perfecto!
Wedding Banquet Location
Deardo and I went to one hotel, and that's the one and only place we went to. So location: checked!
2nd Wedding Date
While my initial plan was to have a small and simple wedding in KL with only close family members, friends and colleagues, it has been made clear that wedding isn't really a two-person thingy. So we let Papo and Mamo, Deardo's dad and mum celebrate our wedding with their relatives and friends in Taiping as well.
I mean, although I might not know majority of those people at the wedding banquet in Taiping, but I figured hey I'm the first one in the family to be married, I'm sure dad wants to share the joy right? So yea, it's best to let them have some fun! :)
2nd Wedding Banquet Location
My parents and Deardo parents had a super short discussion and decided that we should only have our wedding banquet at the best restaurant in Taiping. So this is totally checked too!
Bridal House
I did all the research on this one simply because we girls are more anal about it. While Deardo only needs to come into the picture with his suit and all, I need to freaking make sure the photo quality is good and the fashionista in me is extremely anal about the gowns that one bridal house can offer.
Bridal House 1: Super bad service that although I love their gowns heaps, we've decided to boycott them.
Bridal House 2: Love their photos like crazy but when I stepped into their gowns room Deardo can see my very obvious reaction - I don't like them. Plus, they are more exclusive, charging you a lot but offer you very little in the package.
Bridal House 3: Average photos, great services and not stingy when it comes to exchanging stuff in the package. Best of all, I saw some jaw-dropping gowns! Deardo and I were really happy to sign up on their package. But we shall see how's their professionalism when we go for gowns-trying and photo-shoot in the next two months.
Custom or Not?
My original plan is to skip 'chu men' (better known as morning session) because duh... Told you I don't fancy playing games on the heng dais and all. And that's when relatives need to come in and say oh no, it can't be like this, it's against the Chinese custom, blah blah blah... That was the first time I felt really angry and helpless about the wedding. I mean, seriously? Is this my wedding or your wedding, huh? Anywayz, after some
black-mailing discussions, we've decided to do a very simple 'chu men' without all the lame games.
When I was at the bridal house a lot of the gowns I saw and love were pretty much made for smaller size brides. I know it will be tough to slim down too much in less than a year but I'm seriously working hard on it. I'm not going over board as I know I want to look healthy too so don't worry, I'll just try my very best.
After the wedding, the first thing I want to eat is: Chicken Rice!!!
Wedding Gowns
I figured some of you who know me well know what I'm going to wear will be the most important part of my entire wedding. I mean, while I still haven't really feel the excitement of the wedding, I've already been feeling super excited about the gowns.
I admit, I'm anal about the gowns. I want them to be unique, with details in the designs, can be of different colours, make me look slim and don't make me look old... Which can only means, more and more pressure on myself...
Some example of Vera Wang's unique designs. |
I love Vera Wang's design a lot simply because her wedding gowns are so extraordinary. So much of details and so vibrant in colours. The moment I went to her website and saw her wedding gowns I couldn't stop screaming to myself oh how nice, oh this is so cool... So while I got some gowns and dresses in my bridal package, I've gotten a green light form Deardo to custom-made a gown, which is totally Vera Wang inspired. I went through a short bridezilla moment too because Deardo said he doesn't like the colour right after I paid the deposit to the tailor. So the colour is slightly different compared to the original one and if it doesn't turn out nice I'll have Deardo to blame for! Of course, finger-crossed for the best!
P/S: Not showing you how the gown looks like until maybe nearer to the wedding date, so stay tuned! :p
Because of the small 'chu men' and ROM in Taiping, I'm still looking for a short, unique and cute dress, which has to be a little casual that I can still wear after the wedding. I may just buy or custom made another one if it is not too expensive. Do you guys have any recommendations where I could get it?
So here, still more than half a year to go and there are already stuff that are enough to make me feel a little depressed. More things that are not settled yet though... Guests list, flower bouquet, wedding bands, theme colour (should I have one?), editing of photo slideshow, looking for the right photographer and videographer for actual day, deco of the actual day, settling accommodations for friends from overseas (if any of them coming), invitation cards etc. And I thought my wedding is supposed to be small and simple! Phew~! I knew it at some point it will become bigger and more complicated but please tell me I'm not the only bride on earth being so difficult!!!
In this case, I think I need to thank Deardo Wong for being there with me all the time whenever I face any issues. Although I'm normally more positive than him, it is totally the opposite way when it comes to our wedding. Often when I feel helpless about some issues regarding our wedding, he will always be the one who tells me:"small problems, don't worry!".
So to Deardo, thank you so much for putting up with Shirlexia, the bridezilla! :)