I think the preview itself is bloody cool! And look at the cast! I really really can't wait any longer to watch it! Urm, they said it will be on in HK on Aug 13, so I might watch it in HK before anyone of you in Malaysia gets to watch it oh!!! Kakakaka... Don't be jealous oh~! :p
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Laughing Gor之变节is coming soon!!!
Phew~After the few sleepless nights, I'm finally done with all those work! Now, before I have anything to talk about, here's a preview of Laughing Gor之变节......
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Yasmin Ahmad 1958~2009

I was busy doing my translation work last night and didn't get any update on Yasmin's condition and the first thing I saw this morning was she has passed away...
As a film lover, I have never really loved any of the local directors, no, nobody at all. Until Yasmin Ahmad came! I just love her, love her always very touching and meaningful TV commercial, love her always very beautiful and unbelievably 'real' films. I just did not expect her to leave us so soon. I'll miss her and her work! What a shame that I've never seen her in real person and tell her how much I admire her! She is truly my idol!
R.I.P Yasmin Ahmad! I love you!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Back to Perth...
Few days ago, I went back to my Multiply site, which was where I actually started blogging. Back then the reason I started blogging was because it was just a perfect way to tell everybody what's going up with me in Perth, in stead of me sending loads of e-mails out then facing the fuss of getting a reply to say the emails weren't sent or replying them one-by-one.
There are definitely whole load of memories I left in that blog, especially the tonnes of pictures! So I decided to pick some and upload them here just so you can probably see how I enjoyed my life in Perth, or probably see how much I've changed???
I tried to put them in orders, but you know what, I just cannot remember them all, so these are put in non particular orders...
The best ever room I've ever stayed in my life! Yes, I mean including the one at home in Taiping. At least this room was all for myself!
Now, I do look much slimmer now, didn't I??? I always think, one day when I got slimmer, this picture would be perfect as the 'before' picture.
About the very first few friends I know in Perth were Hong Kies Danielle (left) and Crystal (right). Danielle is now already a happy mum, while Crystal and her bf Adrian are one of the real life examples of younger bf works!
Later during the first summer in Perth, I got to know Ko Ko Vin Chin, an Indian Chinese. Yes, she is a Chinese born in India!!! How many times you want me to explain this??? I can still remember the first time I heard him speaking English in that heavy Indian accent! So BLOODY FUNNY!!!
And then Vin Chin had his birthday party with whole load of Indian friends... I used to have a crush on that guy in black on the left corner, but couldn't even remember his name now... :p I'm not into Indian guys anymore now, I LOVE GUYS WITH SINGLE EYE-LIT!!!
Working part-time in Perth brought so much of fun to my life! The lovely colleagues there were wonderful! Love them so much! This was about the very first farewell party for those leaving Perth for good.
Film & TV was my minor at Curtin. I wouldn't say their facilities are like most up-to-date(oh, forget about the dumb editing computers), but their studio was really a real big eye-opener for me! The team of people I worked with for a multi-camera production assignment at the studio! Urm, yea mostly Malaysians, and one Korean+one Aussie.
I love the beaches (not bitches*cough*) in Perth! They might not be the best beaches in the world, but they are better than those in Malaysia! Plus, the summer were always so windy at the beach! *easily skipping the bikini part...* So that's me, Jodi and Chen! Chen is Vin Chin's friend lar, another very old-fashioned thinking Chinese guy, he doesn't like the idea of me studying Japanese language...==|||
Talking about Japanese language! This is my sensei Mr. Hiroshi, who taught me the language for 1 and a half year at Curtin! He is such a weirdo lor, his favourite song at the Karaoke is lalalalala... Say Mickey! Say Mickey! But mind you, he drives a yellow sportcar! Don't play play~!
Tina san from China and Karina san from Indonesia were two of my best mates in the Japanese class! I JUST LOVE THIS PCITURE!!!
Haha, I just can't get enough of Japanese... Here are Eriko and Megumi, my Japanese language partners whom I had to meet at least once a week as part of the course. They are so cute, like real typical Japanese girls, everytime you say something, they'll go~Soooooo kaaaaa????? Of course, with the very surprise look on their faces! :p
I also worked at a Japanese restaurant in Perth for about half a year or more... The guy in blue is Ji san, the ex-chef there, who went out for dinner with a friend, Sheryn (my ex-housemate who also worked there before me)and me. Guess what??? He started sweating non-stop when trying the spicy Malaysian food! Hehehehe...
Honestly cannot remember where is this, just a really nice picture taken in one of my trips there lar! OMG I missed all the wine-tasting session there!!!
I always give myself a new hair-style on a new year. So one of the new years in Perth, I spent some of my money to highlight my hair with purple! It actually took me about half a day to do that and I'M MISSING MY PURPLE HAIR!!!
My lovely housemates... For the first one and a half year I was staying with this bunch of lovely people in Unit 1, Vickery House! I can never find such nice housemates before or after them anymore! Unit 1 ROXXXXXXX!!!!!
Then Revathi came, together with Lina, we were named the three muskitiers by our Aussie housemate! Can never forget the great time we had cooking all kinda food together for dinner!
Another unforgettable memory must be the Sexpo we went!!! Lina and I were like dying to go because we know we can never see this in Malaysia! I didn't want to post the one I took with a naked girl lar, but I love this one! :p
I went to Melbourne from Perth in March 2006 for the Commonwealth Games and totally fell in love with the city of Melbourne!!! Now this is a very nice picture taken at the hockey stadium! Spot me, spot me!
And this is my god-bro lar, Luc a.k.a Ah Koon, with the really nice top I bought for him from FCUK. Well, I told ya, I was little Paris Hilton when I was in Perth!
I went down south twice in one semester! So this was when I first visited the beautiful wind farm!
Urm... Actually I'm not sure which one was the first, which one was the second visit... Sorry lar, old liao, memory no good! :(
And feeding the Alpacca at the animal farm... Gosh I look so young in this pic!
That's me and Dana at somewhere... Somewhere out there lar!
Jodi, Dana and me conquered the Mt Franklin! Mt Franklin? What??? Yea, I really don't know what was that, nobody actually go up there except for us... ==|||
And then we went on a cave kayaking tour and ate these wild food... I remember loving the emu meat a lot!!! Kangaroo meat was... so-so lar.
Jodi, Dana and I were really crazy I tell you, in the middle of the night when the weather was freaking cold we went out to the Margeret River to take crazy pictures like this! Really siao one~! Kekekeke...
My first horse riding experience was scary... I doubt I'll be going for a second time...:S
And then it was time for me to go... Farewell with my dear colleagues at the restaurant I worked at! I really really miss them lar~! :(
Jodi and Koko Vin Chin were the ones who sent me away at the airport! Ah, Crystal too, she was holding the camera lar~!
See, I think I was pretty fat back then... See, now I've slimmed down a bit lar, although still some few kilos away from perfect~! :p Did I look younger or older then?
Click here if you are interested to see more~! :)
There are definitely whole load of memories I left in that blog, especially the tonnes of pictures! So I decided to pick some and upload them here just so you can probably see how I enjoyed my life in Perth, or probably see how much I've changed???

See, I think I was pretty fat back then... See, now I've slimmed down a bit lar, although still some few kilos away from perfect~! :p Did I look younger or older then?
Click here if you are interested to see more~! :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
3e's Birthday Dinner @Duck King Restaurant
Before I start to get real busy with the whole load of work I have, let's have this blog post up first.
On Friday, my 3e celebrated her xxth birthday (Haha, age is a woman's secret mah :p) and it was really nice of them to invite Ducum and I to the dinner. Although... That would means spending more money on the present and taxi... Haih... *shake head~*
But really, thank god we went, otherwise we would have wasted such an unforgettable dinner at Duck King Restaurant @ Jaya One! The food there were simply AWESOME!!!
Alright, before getting to the point (food), we have some nice pictures here as a little warm-up...
Love that dress-cum-top that Karen gave me! Everyone at the dinner said it looks nice! Thanks a lot to my dear friend Karen!!! :)
Ducum and I playing around with Shawn!
That's Uncle Thong, the host of the night, picking what to have for dinner...
Birthday girl 3e is here! And that's her holding the present we gave her, from Promod, like everyone's favourite brand man!
Of course we cannot miss taking photo with the birthday girl lar!
3e's lovely family... And the scarf I bought for her! Nice ler???
The dinning table in the VIP room!
4e is soooooo going to kill me if she sees this... Haha... Look how scared she was when Eu Jin was trying to open the champagne bottle.
Another guest of the night was Ah Ku!
Nice shot of our cute and pretty Ah Ma~! :)
Well I guess I just can't wait any longer to have my sip of champagne... Hehehehe...
Dishes we had that night were really good! But I didn't get to see the menu, and I was too lazy to check them out later (obviously too busy cam-whoring and then.. Eating), so I'll simply put some names for them lar...
Tit bits from left: Jellyfish, steamed peanuts, pork with some garlic and chili.
More tit bits from left: Super nice potato salad, super nice crispy sotong and super nice cashew nuts with sesame.
Starter: Siu Yok, Roasted Pork!
Jellyfish again... I think it tastes like jellyfish with some curry powder, not too sure...
Very special shark fins soup! You see the bloody big piece of fins there? And it has loads of crab's eggs in it, damn nice lor~!
The Smoked Duck. I personally think the taste of the 'smoke' is a bit heavy lar.
Deep Fried Kai Lan, seems like one of the family's favourite dishes.
Oh, I just LOVE this Tofu with Mushroom dish~! Definitely a big big MUST TRY!!!
Drunken prawns with herbs? This is really good too!
The la-la was also not-too bad!
The famous Claypot Goat Belly was also bloody delicious! :)
Fried Sao Mien (Birthday Noodles) was great just because it has real big pieces of fish and shrimps!
Basically, Duck King Restaurant impressed me from their tip bits all the way till the final dish! Every single dish was SO GOOD! Ok lar, I supposed if I were the one ordering, I would have ordered a Peking Duck instead of the Smoked Duck. And I supposed I didn't fancy the jellyfish with curry powder or whatever it is... Still The restaurant really impressed me a lot!!! I'm really looking forward to a second visit there! I missed Peking Duck!!!
By the way, my cousin bro Eu Jin also returned to Melbourne the next night. You see, he actually grown taller, I mean AGAIN??? Look how tall is he now...
And I was wearing a pair of heels... ==|||
On Friday, my 3e celebrated her xxth birthday (Haha, age is a woman's secret mah :p) and it was really nice of them to invite Ducum and I to the dinner. Although... That would means spending more money on the present and taxi... Haih... *shake head~*
But really, thank god we went, otherwise we would have wasted such an unforgettable dinner at Duck King Restaurant @ Jaya One! The food there were simply AWESOME!!!
Alright, before getting to the point (food), we have some nice pictures here as a little warm-up...
Dishes we had that night were really good! But I didn't get to see the menu, and I was too lazy to check them out later (obviously too busy cam-whoring and then.. Eating), so I'll simply put some names for them lar...
Basically, Duck King Restaurant impressed me from their tip bits all the way till the final dish! Every single dish was SO GOOD! Ok lar, I supposed if I were the one ordering, I would have ordered a Peking Duck instead of the Smoked Duck. And I supposed I didn't fancy the jellyfish with curry powder or whatever it is... Still The restaurant really impressed me a lot!!! I'm really looking forward to a second visit there! I missed Peking Duck!!!
By the way, my cousin bro Eu Jin also returned to Melbourne the next night. You see, he actually grown taller, I mean AGAIN??? Look how tall is he now...
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