Friday, November 30, 2007

Across the Universe is AWESOME!

Well, I know Yve Vonn will be shouting at me... But I had also missed all the films for 2 weeks because of the time I spent in the hospital, and then in Taiping. I'm so glad that I'm finally back to the cinema! Hurray! Watched 3 movies the last two days and Across the Universe is the best of the 3!!!

I went for the movie after reading about it in a magazine few days back. It said many internet-er had actually voted that this movie will be the big winner at the Oscar next year! I didn't read the synopsis though, but I was curious since it looks like just a teenagers movie! Anywayz, the title of the movie was also pulling me into the cinema since that is possibly my favourite Beatles' song!
But I am very surprise at what I see. True, it's like more or less a teenagers movie, on love, on sister-brother love, on war, etc. Which is like, duh... Very normal and perhaps boring. And the thing is, you don't even know the actors(okay, you get to see Bono of U2 and Salma Hayek)! But trust me, they are really not bad. The storyline, set in the 60s, might be a bit too common, but there are a few twists here and there that you wouldn't get in other ordinary teenagers films.
Of course, without me knowing, it's a musical! Which is more than fine for me! Especially when there are plenty of Beatles songs in it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Across the Universe, Blackbird, Hey Jude, strawberry Field Forever , Lucy in the Diamond Sky etc. Even for someone who know really little about The Beatles like me, got really excited listening to those songs. And this is definitely not Chicago or Moulin Rouge! It's different! The editing, the dances, the costumes, and the really special effects!
I mean, some part of it might be a bit too 'extraordinary', but damn I enjoy about 90% of the entire movie!!!
A bit too late for me to talk about this movie isn't it? But well, I'm sorry but I was trapped in the hospital, remember?
Well, this one is erm... Quite interesting, very educating... But I think it is not funny enough for an animation-cartoon film. Nevertheless, I love Renee Zellweger's voice! Her voice is just as cute as Bridget Jones!


Thursday, November 29, 2007


After two weeks skipping gym because of the dramatic hospital stay, I finally went back to gym last night. Well, I would say I'm feeling ok to start excersice again but I have to admit my hands are still feeling the pain of the needles, especially on my right hand which the doctor had took blood from the last three days I was there.
Anywayz, the first session after two weeks really kills me. Obviously I have to pick-up my fitness level again. I was already very tired after the second track in my spinning class! But you have to give me credits for finishing the whole class and continued with the yoga class after that!
Damn now I can feel the sore all over my body!!!
But after all, it's fun to feel the sore again! That's what you call 'SYOK'! I want to keep on the good work! I have to cut down weight!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


抗議不公.要評審下台 網友為林健輝掀戰火

(台北、吉隆訊) 《超級星光大道》第2季目前戰況激烈,早前播出的“一對一PK賽”單元,曾沛慈以《傻瓜》清唱拿下21分,險勝馬來西亞的踢館者林健輝20分,被網友抗議 不公,網友認為評審講評時明顯護航曾沛慈,紛為林健輝叫屈。網友最近更發起“倒評審”活動,要求製作單位拉下黃韻玲、張宇、袁惟仁等評審。



接著二度PK再被要求清唱30秒,她唱《傻瓜》,他唱英文歌《Flying Without Wings》,評審黃韻玲當時說:“音準不是那麼重要,歌曲有感情比較重要,《傻瓜》後面音不準,很多大牌後面音不準……”張宇則說:“林健輝你的東西是 電腦做出來的東西,比較不人性,沛慈不是沒有缺點,有點氣不足,我喜歡她人性化的一面。”最後曾以21分打敗林的20分。








黑人說:“他是我節目的冠軍,又抽到演唱我電影主題曲的曾沛慈,唉!手心手背都是肉。”曾沛慈與林健輝11日錄影時,第一場林健輝以王力宏的《流淚 手心》與曾沛慈打成平手,第二場兩人再度交鋒又平手,評審要求兩人12月2日再戰,曾沛慈私下坦言,林健輝實力堅強,讓她有種被纏上的感覺。











Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nice pictures to share!

Just want to share some photos of Wong Mew Chew's winning moments at the China Open last Sunday. Damn it was soooo hard to find these pictures! Anywayz, congratulations again to Mew Choo!



Sunday, November 25, 2007

Well done, Wong Mew Choo!!!

Congratulations, Wong Mew Choo!
The national number 1 had just won the China Open Super Series' women's singles in Guangzhou, China today.
She defeated world No. 1 Xie Xingfang of China, 21-16, 8-21, 21-17 in final, which saw the Malaysian gave all out and show her true fighting spirit in the match!


Another one, in two weeks time! Although I think the purpose of this demonstration was a bit erm... Weird, but well.... It's Malaysia, you know lar, it's like that one lar!

Back to work~!

After a 2-week break, which I spent at the Kangar Hospital and at home in Taiping, I'm so sad to announce that I'm going back to work today. What a bad day to start working, it's a bloody Sunday, ok? Arrrrrrhhhhh... So lazy lar!


是我曾经还蛮疯狂喜欢的本地艺人蔡可立的message,因为没得到他的允许,所以还是不公开他的message了。不过他是因为最近在录一个Yve Vonn做的节目,而Yve Vonn则是因为看了我曾经在blog里(旧的那个,在Friendster的那个)看到我写过关于他的东西才找他去试镜的,所以去看了我的blog,然后就message我啦(这个句子会不会太长?哈哈)!
好啦,让你看一下我之前写的那一篇blog吧!Click here!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


总之,小马的nice和体贴让我觉得支持他是值得的,我会一直挺你下去的哦,小马Go Go Go!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Matt Damon is the Sexiest Man Alive!

I know this is a bit late and outdated, but I was in the hospital when I read the news on the paper! So please allow me to celebrate this good news a bit later here in my blog!
Matt Damon named 'Sexiest Man Alive' - despite refusal
Nov 14, 2007
LOS ANGELES (AFP) — Matt Damon tried to turn down People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" crown -- but the Hollywood heart-throb's refusal backfired when the celebrity bible went ahead and named him anyway.
The 37-year-old actor, best known for his portrayal of amnesiac assassin Jason Bourne in the trilogy of "Bourne" blockbusters, initially said he didn't feel worthy of the accolade, the magazine announced Wednesday.
"You've given an aging suburban dad the ego-boost of a lifetime," Damon told People, suggesting that American football superstar Tom Brady should be honored with the tag instead.
But according to People, who announced its annual list for the 23rd time on its website, Damon's refusal "perfectly demonstrates many of the reasons we chose him in the first place."
Damon's "irresistible sense of humor, heart-melting humility" and "rock-solid family man" status made him the logical winner, People enthused.
Damon is married and has a one-year-old daughter, Isabella, and a nine-year-old stepdaughter with wife Luciana Bozan.
"My 9-year-old stepdaughter now thinks I'm cool -- well, cooler," Damon said in a letter to be published in People's latest edition on Friday.
"Don't get me wrong, though. I was really shocked and happy (Lucy said I actually blushed) when I heard the news. So I can't thank you enough for that."
Damon's victory sees him follow in the footsteps of friends George Clooney, a winner in 1997 and 2006, Brad Pitt (1995 and 2000) and Ben Affleck (2002).
Damon and Affleck won a screenwriting Oscar together in 1998 for "Good Will Hunting," the film that launched the duo's Hollywood careers.
As well as the hugely successful "Bourne" films, Damon has also starred in a series of acclaimed recent films, including last year's best picture Oscar winner "The Departed" and "Syriana."

***Now that's my man... Ok, not my man, my favourite Hollywood actor! Matt Damon is the man! And I've always think he is HOT and SEXY anywayz! Congratulations Matt and keep on the good work! I want to see more from you!!!


我第一次住院,很难得遇上了个华裔医生(政府医院嘛,还以为都是马来人),叫Stephen Ong,而且他是跟我同乡啊,一问之下才知道他老爸以前是我外公的律师!很巧,是不是?不过,帅不帅就见仁见智啦,我倒觉得他有他可爱的地方!
其实他还蛮辛苦的,我住院8天,每一天都见到他,就是说他没休息过哦!而且最后的两天他完全是on-call night shift,第二天还是看到他!而且好像是有伤风了吧?我想,他也还年轻吧,应该不过30,常见他得跟别的医生报告这个、那个的。总之他给我的感觉就是好像还真的还没很专业,但又觉得他那样工作好辛苦、好可怜!
可有他在,至少就提供了我一些娱乐(你知道的,住院超闷的)!我已经会背他跟病人说的话了,什么"Cik ada batuk ke? Ada kahak ke? Itu, itu apa..."他的正统马来文就已经笑死我了,他跟病人说话的语气更是搞到我到现在想起都会在笑!话说有个晚上吧,他在跟另一个病人抽血,那个病人大概蛮老了吧,至少中年的妇女。他就不停的说:“Relax har, sikit sajia, tahan sakit har...”害我睡在那个蚊帐里(对,我每晚都得睡蚊帐里哦,denggi嘛)笑到在床上滚来滚去的!真的很好笑嘛,好像在跟小朋友说话哦!当然他可能因为亲眼看过我哭,所以跟我抽血时也是那样哦!"Relax har, I've got some, I just need more...", "I know it is painful, I'm already using the smallest needle, just a while, an ant-bite only....", "I'll put some alcohol, so that you won't feel so pain har..."真的很可爱!
所以虽然觉得他有点不专业,像抽血就完全是他很不行的东西啊!可是我还是觉得他是个又可爱又贴心的好医生!临走前我还真的给了他封情信......ei yer......没有啦,只是给了他一张Thank you note啦!
他不会读中文的啦!So Dr. Stephen Ong, thanks a lot for all the care!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


去Perlis出差两天,竟然就在那里验出了Denggi(骨痛热症),Platelet count是62,正常人应该有150。跟医生讨价还价了一番后,就只好乖乖的留在Kangar Hospital,也造就了我人生中第一次住院的经验,而且还要是在一个陌生的地方!唉!真衰!
我最“顶唔顺”的其实是那些可怕的针筒啊~!住院的8天里,除了要每天都被抽两、三次血去验platelet count外,还得长期插着一支针吊盐水!那支针令我的双手又痛又肿的,然后就得拔出来另插别的地方!我记得我第三天就崩溃了,哭到医生也怕了我!而且抽血也很惨,到了不懂什么时候医生就是抽不出血来了,有时刺了好几次都抽不出,真是难为了我的手啰!
这一次住院有一个关键词,叫platelet(血小板)。话说这就是我们人类血液里红、白血球之外的另外一部分,少了它,流血时就不容易止血啦,所以很重要哦!刚入院的第一、二天我的platelet就一直在下跌,最低为15!结果第二天晚上就输入了platelet,之后又回升,可是很慢。可能是因为我同时间竟然auntie visit了吧,而且有一晚我竟然还流鼻血!有次从40跌回16,搞到大家都紧张起来!还好,之后再验时已是52了。然后就一直在升了,出院当天是86。
住院期间为了要好起来,我什么都试过了,不过当然,喝得最多的是100 Plus和西瓜汁,我甚至觉得西瓜汁根本就是我的“救命恩人”啊!不过,我现在还真的有点“100 Plus恐惧症”!真的,我想我最少都喝了20罐吧!我是说,最少哦!

My 2 Days Perlis trip which turned 9 days!

As I've said earlier, I went to Perlis for work for two days.
So it all went well I guess at the begining. A short flight ride to Alor Setar, then another short van ride to Kangar, which I spent mostly on sleeping because I had only slept for about 3 hours before getting up to go to the airport. And I always thought it will be a big gang of media joining the fray, but it was only a total of four of us, including the PR company person and the organiser. All of us are women.
Since we still have some time before meeting the soccer boys at their school at 3pm, we decided to have an early lunch and headed for Padang Besar where it was well known for shopping. Well, with all of us made up of women, what do you expect? Of course at first I didn't see anything special there, I mean it just looks like the market in Taiping! But after that, I found myself started buying things, and I love them! You see, I was a bit surprise that I could find quite cool stuffs, I even saw some cool t-shirts but I had to control myself, so I didn't buy! These are what I bought...
The very pretty night dress for mom...

The very cute flip-flopsAnd... The leather bag that took me RM95! The most expensive bag I've ever own!
Okay, then we went to the school to meet the boys... Time to get to work, hey! Done some interview, listening, photo-takings... Then we headed back to the hotel for tea, and then DINNER, the most important thing of the day.
We went to this Hai Tien Restaurant at Kuala Perlis, which I would say looks a bit like Matang's seafood restaurants. Well, I must say the food was okay... Maybe we just didn't order the right stuffs. But I don't mean it's bad you know, they are still pretty good. The fried squid was crispy, the lobster was good, if minus the over-flowing myonise. We had squid, fish, an 800g lobster, chicken, vegetables and it costs us only RM169! The lobster was a mere 104 bucks! Isn't that cheap??? My god.... You better go have a try one day!
The 800g lobster, yum yum... And it was only RM 104!
Alright, I guess that wrapped up the first day of my trip, which unfortunately turned into my last day of the trip, because by the next day, I was admitted to the hospital......

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I'm going off to Perlis tomorrow for work, for the first time in NST! Have to be at KLIA at 6.15am... But I'm actually quite excited about it actually, though it's only for two days, but damn I'm sooooo looking forward to it! I wanna get out of the freaking KL city!!!
So I'll see you guys maybe on Tuesday! Take care!


Well, 我其实是很开心的,因为这也算是我第一次花自己的钱去为自己的梦想做些东西。而且差不多每一堂课都上得很开心,简直就是工作之外一个发泄的好地方!老实说,学的真的还没学完,不过最重要的是认识了一班蛮好玩的同学。当秘书的啦、当妈妈的啦、还是学生的啦......虽然年纪上是有差,可是大家还是很快的闹在一起。上课时教室里总是充满笑声的,有时候真的是笑到......(荣强,没错,我是在模仿你:P)喷泪!
虽然有点官腔,可是我可是真心的哦!真的很开心认识大家哦,以后保持联络啦!很可惜我之前因为得了骨痛热症入院了,没去录结业作品,最后一次见大家的机会也没了!不过,去我相信毕业礼那天会再见的!Take care啦!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

What a shame!

To avoid being caught under the very scary Internal Security Act (ISA)( Yea, damn I'm sooooooo scared!), I better don't leave any comment here.
But well, I do think it is a shame that the whole world get to see this happening in Malaysia....

Friday, November 9, 2007


今天为了工作又再一次到Pudu那儿,而且又看到很多长途巴士了,看到"Kuala Lumpur--Kamunting"的就会感觉鼻子突然酸了一下。我又想家了啦!
还有我那个就是跟我和Ducum性格完全相反的小妹。虽然她总是傻呼呼的,又有点迟钝,可是她真的太可爱了,常在MSN那留言说支持我,我工作不开心她都知道,还会默默地在那留言说叫我辞职,超可爱的! 好想你们、好爱你们哦!你们也要take care啊~!

Thursday, November 8, 2007














Hello everybody! It's Shirlexia here!
Well, I guess this is a much-awaited move since a long long time ago. I've been blogging very regularly at my Friendster blog, but I guess it's really time to move on because like Yve Vonn always say, other people who are not Friendster members would also be able to leave their comments here! But the only thing is, well I can't send alert out every time I update my blog.
So what I'm gonna ask you to do is, please save my blog under your favourite and stop by once in a while, ok?
Meanwhile, I will not abandon my Friendster blog all together. I've left the link on the right hand side, so feel free to go and have a look at my old stuffs. I've been blogging over there for almost two years! So the whole archive will be there! And I think once in a while I will still blog over there, whenever there is any important announcements, etc. While multiply is the place to see my whole lots of pictures! So do check them out!
As for many of you who have blog without me knowing it, please leave me a message here and I will add you into my list of links too!
Thanks and enjoy!

P/S: Of course that is not me in the picture! I'm using my new lappy now which has really little picture of myself, so here is Xiao Ma,my favourite BBT Boy, looking really cool! Woo~woo~!