And I was normally very excited to write a review in my blog, but this time I'm pretty lazy to do it. I guess it's just because I've grown older, or probably because I'm now a sports journalist, or it's just because I don't really feel so much like a Malaysian anymore? Damn, I'm actually feeling very lazy to write a review!
Okay, okay, let's do this... We can do a short one, by only talking about sports or sportsmen I like. Sounds good? Ok, you have no choice, right? I'm the one writing, not you... :p
My pick for Star of the Games: Yeoh Ken Nee

I first get to know this fellar back in 1999 Brunei Games where he got his first ever Sea Games gold. Today he is still a successful diver, better than ever, winning three gold medals. I don't know, even though I've know him, even though I see nothing special about this guy from the outside, I always feel that he really has the talent in him. When he decided to retire few years back for his studies, I felt really really bad because he was still at his peak. And it was a right choice for him to come back because since then, he had got the silver at the Asian Games! And this Sea Games just made it clear that he is the man whom divers from the world should be watching out for. I hope to see another historic result from him at the Olympics next year.
My pick for the Best Malaysian Team: Aquatics & Karate-do
14 gold from Aquatics, 8 gold from Karate-do. The results said it all, full-stop.
My Pick for the Worst Malaysian Team: Silat
I don't even watch this event. But I heard, yea I really just heard, that they have a few world champions or something. Then what happen in Thailand?

After the Ngs' brothers left, Wei Siang had to carry the burden to deliver. And like he'd told me, it is never easy to beat the Thais at their place in a subjective sports like gymnastics. He got a gold, luckily, but if there were fairer judging, I'm pretty sure it will be more than one gold.

My Pick for the Most Precious Gold: Women's Basketball Team

Hello? They were playing in front of those thousands of Thai supporters and were behind at the beginning of the match. Then they slowly catch-up... I was only following the match through live score on the internet and I was damn 'kan cheong'! And they defended their gold with a 61-60 scoreline! Phew~! We beat the Thais at their home, where they even hired a Korean coach and called back some seniors just to beat us! And we just slapped them on their face! That was damn cool man!
My Pick for the Most Precious 'other medal': Ng Sock Khim
A first silver medal in table-tennis, from a surprise player. Surprise, surprise!
And finally, My Pick for the Cutiest Malaysian Sportsmen:
1. Cheng Chu Sian (Archery) -- Young, cute and furious... Hahahaha...
2. Yeoh Ken Nee (Diving)-- I think he is still very attractive whenever he dives.
3. Elvinn Keo (Squash)-- Seriously, never ever heard of him before he won the gold. But this young boy is CUTE!
Not to forget, Shakirin Ibrahim-- Just because he wasn't a gold medalist (well, he got a bronze), I almost forgot to mention him. He is still, so far, the best-looking Malaysian athlete I've ever met!
Alright, that's it. And.... MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!
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