With my weird working days and hours, it is not surprising that I found myself having lesser and lesser friends that I could hang out with, to have lunch or dinner with, to do things(whether nasty or not) with. And it makes me think of the time I had when I was still a student, having the whole lot of friends and whole lot of time to waste by doing some really crazy stuffs.
I think the 'craziness' started when I was twelve...
I got into the best class (means the top 50 in the year) in Standard Six, and then got 'polluted'. No thanks to Yu Foong, who taught me so much! From speaking Cantonese to courting guys. Now that I think about it I can really laugh at myself because of the amazing stuffs we did. Can you believe that we can actually find a guy's number using the yellow pages directory? First of all, you need to know his surname, then you can cut the numbers down with searching for only those in Taiping. And then you call everyone to ask for that guy! Amazing stuffs lar I did I tell you... It was also damn funny that we were all writing our so-called love novels and share them among each other... My god, what were we thinking???

From left: Me, Ming Wai, Yu Fong and JE at my 12 year-old birthday party. They are soooo killing me because of this picture...
During secondary school I got stuck with the choir gang. Some people make fun of us being the singing gang. Okay, you get that all the time, right? They like to run past you and started humming and all I wanted to say to them was "fuck off"! We shared the wins and losses over the years of competing against the bitches (wakakaka... only we know who they are), we laughed and cried together... GREAT TIME! We love singing and we love taking pictures! Back then, we took so many crazy pictures that I don't know how much we spent just to develop them (no digital cam yet)! Thank god we are still the same gang who really love posing for the camera till today! Some of us only meet once a year during CNY and I still like that kinda crazy spirit we have! What spirit is that? I don't know what's the word to explain it, really! I hope we have many many years to go.......
During secondary school I got stuck with the choir gang. Some people make fun of us being the singing gang. Okay, you get that all the time, right? They like to run past you and started humming and all I wanted to say to them was "fuck off"! We shared the wins and losses over the years of competing against the bitches (wakakaka... only we know who they are), we laughed and cried together... GREAT TIME! We love singing and we love taking pictures! Back then, we took so many crazy pictures that I don't know how much we spent just to develop them (no digital cam yet)! Thank god we are still the same gang who really love posing for the camera till today! Some of us only meet once a year during CNY and I still like that kinda crazy spirit we have! What spirit is that? I don't know what's the word to explain it, really! I hope we have many many years to go.......
And then I was 17 when I got into college in KL.
Because of the fact that the college has really minority of Chinese. YV, Jess and later Ally and me got along just like that! Needless to say, we were the only Chinese girl students in our batch(there were Koo and weird Eric too, was it?). I think the thing that we did together the most was the non-stop eating trips to everywhere in the city, and even to Seremban! Phew~! No wonder I put on so much weight in KL! Aaawww...Sad thing is that all misunderstandings gave a sour end to the friendship we used to have.
And when I was 19 I flew to Perth, Australia. It was the best two years of my entire life!
I met Alvin. I hope you don't mind I put your name here. We had a short relationship after knowing each other for a while and it was unbelievable that we remain as friends until today. You're always so caring and nice to me although I know I've hurt you. Thanks a lot! Seriously, I miss your hugs a lot!

But it was Unit 1 of Vickery House that made me enjoyed my stay in Perth soooooo much! We were a bunch of people with different nationalities. But we just clicked! We watched shows like Australian Idol together, discuss about it over dinner, we had dinners together, we had our own house dinner every semester, we even laugh about Krit and Kevin together (Ooooppsss...) To Kevin, Sheryn, Krit, Jodi, Lina and Gan, miss you guys! Muakkkkkssss...

Jodi was my best friend in Perth, despite the fact that she is an ang mo. We had great time together just because we were both crazy and weird in our own way. Find out more about us here! I miss her a lot although I don't know how long can we be as crazy as we were! Hehehehe...

And then the working experience at Penang Food Restaurant that gave me a chance to know lots of new friends, especially Indonesians! They were all sooooo loving! We have farewell parties every semester when someone is leaving, we had X'mas party, birthday parties, dim sum sessions, etc. It was just a cool gang of us! It had just made our working experience so much more fun! Miss them all so so much!

And then came the three muskitiers! After the ori Unit 1 dismissed in 2006, I stayed on with Lina in the house with the new member, Revathi we formed the three muskitiers(or so how someone called us). The true 'masyarakat majmuk' of Malaysia! We cooked together, ate together, hang-out at each other's room and chit-chatted till midnight all the time... Well, haven't seen both of them for almost one year now! Grrrhhh... Feel like killing Rev lar, came back for summer break also couldn't get some time out!!!

Of course, there are still LOTS of them that I didn't get to mention. But you guys know I miss you all and I appreciate the friendships we have even though we might not see each other that often.
Remember... I'll be there for yooooouuuuu...

Yo~ Lov ya too~ ^_^
hi...thanks for all the nice comments. i was just walking past student housing today thinking how fun it was to always have so many people to hang out with. miss you too and all our crazy stuff. come back to australia already!
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