I however, have some photos taken at the Singapore budget airport to share with you all!
For your info, I'm on quite a tight budget holiday this time around. So I took Air Asia to Singapore and then took Tiger Airways to Perth. So I spent around one, two, three... Five hours at the budget airport in Singapore before I could board my flight. First thing first, I had my lunch at Hanis,which to me was quite a nice cafe serving both Western and Eastern food. The best thing is, the have range of desserts too! And the cakes definitely look very yummy!
After sitting outside for like who knows how long? I figured out there is a laptop zone in the boarding area. Damn stupid and blur lor!
Then this one girl was leaving and I was holding my laptop that was already turned on and was already running out of battery, waiting for her trying to squeeze her stuffs in her bags like so freaking long! I was so worry my laptop would turn off itself running out of battery! And she made me only had like 15 minutes left to use the internet there!!! Grrrhhh...
And after that I found out she is a Chinese. No wonder the bags are so ah-lian lar!
Okay, by the way, this is a really nice picture of me and 豆腐卜(Tou Fu Pok), taken a day earlier. Yup, you got it right, I went to Astro for their open audition. Another failed one for me but I did not feel that bad this time around because I wasn't nervous and I think I did okay! I've never seen Tou Fu Pok's show (got no Astro lar), but he is so cute in real person that I couldn't help but wanted to take a pic with him!
happay traveliving, btw, i though tao fu pok is very dark one, y he seem so white????? whiter then u somemore...hehehe
I don't know, but he is quite fair in real person, maybe he put make-up? I don't know?
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