Anywayz, here are the two latest (which is so not 'latest' lor) movies I've watched.
I've heard of all the bad reviews before going for this one. Oh well, I was going because of Michelle Yeoh and Jet Li, not really for the movie. Bare in mind that, I DID NOT watch the first and second Mummy(or Mummies if you like).
I understand the not-so-logic part like the very funny picture of Michelle Yeoh and Russell Wong appearing in the blue sky in the end, and the thing about her reading the curses in Chinese and English thingy. But honestly, to me, it's basically a movie made for the kids. So what's wrong with all these? Watch it like you are a kid, then maybe you will enjoy it. But having said that, I would still say... Yea, read the curse in either one of the languages lar, don't make it look so weird! I also agree with the fact that Brandon Fraser and Luke Ford bloody look more like brothers than father and son!
The movie was quite a let down in terms of story, but action wise, I think it was not as bad lor. My favourite would definitely be the scene where Michelle Yeoh and Jet Li fight! It was SO DAMN COOL watching them fight, okay! Ohyea, one big surprise was seeing Anthony Ng in the movie!

Well, I admit that Jim Sturgess is quite cute, but the one that catches my eyes most was definitely Kevin Spacey! HE IS HOT!!! He is definitely one of the 'sexy old man' like what Revethi has named it.
Okay, next up would be Wall-E, hopefully this Wednesday!
And I seriously can't wait any longer for Madagascar 2!!!
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