Turned out, most probably when I was using the internet in the hotel in KK, someone might have hacked into my FB account and posted that stupid status. Even Mamo called and asked me what was that! BLOODY HELL that actually shocked myself and gave me problems like nobody business! And worst, that fellar actually changed my password and I couldn't even log in. Man that was bloody scary!!!
Lucky for me, that fellar didn't hack my email, because they were both sharing the same password. So I was able to say I forgot my password and got my FB account back to myself! Phew~*clean sweat~~~*
See, the morale of the story is... 1) Be very careful when you are using FB. Unless if you are using a secured internet line, make sure you log out from it and never leave your FB account on just like that. 2) Always make sure you change your password regularly. 3) Make sure you use different password for every single thing you are using. For instance, your FB account and email account's passwords shouldn't be the same. Same goes to others like your blog or even online banking stuff!
To those innocent souls who thought that was really me, NO THAT WASN'T ME WHO POSTED SUCH THING!!! Come on lar, even if I did have sex I wouldn't shout-out like that lar!!! Ish...
To those who only know how to rub it in by liking it, congratulations you just lost our friendship. Period. Well perhaps we never even had the friendship.
Phew~ What a shocking night~!
Phew, it shocked me too! I was thinking, 'wow, I dint know Shirlexia is that open leh!'
It's better to change our passwords regularly.. But, if those people wanna hack or do something bad, they'll have a way anyway... =_=
Yea lar! I was also very shock! My mum called me to question me ler! I was like why people can be so wu liao one???
Just do our best to protect ourselves lor...
Good that you retrieved your password
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