Yo, what's up my lil' boy?
Nope, we haven't decide on your name yet. So we can only still call you 'baby' or 'baby boy'...
I normally write an entry for CNY happenings on a yearly basis, but this year because of you, I'll make it a letter to you a.k.a CNY report.
Papa and mummy having fun posing with you during CNY! :) |
Compared to last year, being away from my own family for most part of CNY has become easier this year. Perhaps it was you who made me stronger or 'manly'? In fact I think I had a very good time back in Taiping this time around without much emo-ness!
Ah Gong went to a wedding on Valentine's Day and came back dancing in this attire so we decided to join the fun too! :p |
Me, 2e and 3e being silly again... |
Another joy of going home? Awesome Ang Tao Ga that I need them in KL now because of the hot weather!!! |
However, I'm still very happy that your papa allowed me to go home whenever I want because I think as a pregger with you in my tummy, it's important to surround you with crowd so you won't be scared or shy to face big crowd and noises when you are born. Moreover, mummy's family has so many cool, fun and happy people that it is extremely important for you to spend time with so that you can become a cheerful boy too!
Your crazy aunts and uncle wanting to feel you!!! |
Here's your Aunt Carina (who is only 11 years old) doing a very good job as she wish you to become a very 帅 boy! So cute of her! |
I cannot tell you enough how much mummy enjoyed the CNY with many of my aunties and cousins so curious about you. They wanted to feel your kicks/punches, they wanted to know how are you doing, they wanted to know how big you are, they wanted to know when can they finally play with you!
I cannot imagine how much love and attentions you will be getting next CNY when I bring you home! Let's just hope that you can handle them with ease yo! *wink~*
Soon, baby, soon you will be joining us for all these awesome and fun photo sessions! :D |
Because I'm pregnant, most of the time now when I talked to my aunts it's all about parenting and I see a lot of good examples in 3e's parenting cos my cousin Eu Jin and Jan Yi grew up to become very happy, lovable, obedient kids, yet very close to their parents. I must make sure I learn from 3e and that you will learn from my cousins too to become a good kid.
Having fun times with siblings and cousins! |
Mummy also went for old schoolmates' gathering where we were entertained by cute and very happy Princeton. Urm, baby, the bar has been set okay! |
Going home is always a joy for me too cos I get to eat your Ah Ma's cooking again! She always ask me what I want to eat before buying the ingredients so almost every single dish on the dining table are mummy's order of the day.
They don't need to be fancy food, in fact what I really missed the most are the simplest homecooked dishes by your Ah Ma. So this CNY I had some simple meals like porridge and fried bihun which are all awesome too! I know you love them too cos you kicked pretty hard while I was noming! :)
Ah Ma very seldom cook big dinners like this so this was really special cos your papa was there for dinner! LOL! |
Ah Ma's fried rice is always so delicious I don't know why... |
After too much of food, we decided to have porridgveand it was still a very satisfying dinner! :) |
Ah Ma's fried bihun is also unbeatable, trust me! |
Apart from all the CNY hoo-haa, papa and mummy just saw you through ultrasound the other day. While it is harder to see details of your body now, we are just glad that your heart is beating strong and normal and you are weighing a healthy 1.7kg already! Big hands for you my little boy!
First day of CNY when I was at your papa's we took this family photo with you Ye Ye and Mama... |
At 3e's house for another round of CNY gathering back in KL! |
3e (your 3e Po) made some really yummy Heng Hua Mee Suah for us! Yumzzz... |
Mummy also wants you to know that you can continue to kick/punch/swim in my tummy as much as you want because every movement I feel from you is a sign that you are still strong and alive. I've read too much about baby being caught by the umbilical cords and it freaks me out so much. For instance, mummy's friend Aunty Madeleine recently gave birth through c-sec and her son came out with the cord around his neck. Thank god he is alive!
So promise mummy that you are playing very safely inside okay? Haha by the way, I was still a bit stiff holding her son Mikhail during my recent visit to her house so let's hope I'll be okay holding you when you are so small! :p
Baby Mikhail is shoooooo cute! |
Since this is the third trimester, mummy is really feeling very heavy, bloated and tired all the time. Moving around has become tough task for me... Whenever I feel tired, breathless, aches, swollen, emotional or insecure, I'm always grateful that your papa is always there to cheer me up, massage me and show me the love that I need right at that very moment that I needed them the most. Sometimes I wonder if all these will go away once you are born? Will your papa treat me differently after this? Hmmmmpppphhhh... He better not cos giving birth to you won't be easy okay!!!
Papa said he want to buy me belated Valentine's Day flowers so I picked these lovely and cheap flowers over the typical roses. They live longer lives and the vibrant colours really brighten up the house! :) |
Papa and mummy understand that when you officially come into our world, we will be very busy taking care of you and may not have time for ourselves so much (mummy, especially) so papa has been very 'cooperative' bringing mummy to a movie and to a Karaoke session recently. God knows when is our next time at these places when you are our top priority next time?
Papa and I belting out some of our favourite numbers! |
Luckily too for mummy, perhaps because I was quite active working-out before this or perhaps it is your 'manly' hormone that makes me still pretty strong. Despite always feeling tired and sleepy, I'm still able to do quite some walking and sort of really enjoy going out still. Ahhhh... Maybe it's just because I know I'll be confined for one whole month after this! :S
Us after one of our walking sessions back in Taiping. |
Oh nom nom nom... |
Still very excited about going to the mall! |
Oh yea, right before CNY, mummy's friends Lea and Jason took some very cute and nice maternity photos for me! I'm still in the midst of tidying-up the photos but here are some sneak peek. What do you think? Is mummy looking good with you in my tummy? :p
Photos taken by amateurs, but turned out to be really nice! :) |
Well I don't think you have a choice, before you find your dream girl when you are older, mummy has to be the most gorgeous woman in your life! You have zero choice! :p
Okay, time for mummy to go take a rest. Talk to you next time okay? Mummy loves you A LOT A LOT A LOT!
Mummy Shirlexia
CNY is a great time for preggers to eat and 'heh', haha!
Still 2 more months to go, gambateh!!
Same to you! Jia you!!!
I enjoy reading this post and looking at all the pictures here, because your family and you are always having so much fun.
Yea Yan! I really enjoy all the time I had with my family during CNY! :)
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