27 Dresses
This is the kinda corny movies that is not my cup of tea. It's something like Legally Blonde that I didn't watch at all. Somehow I just got interested. Maybe because of the story? Maybe because I was hoping to see what are the 27 dresses because I love fashion? Or perhaps it was just because there weren't much choices the other day at the cinema? Well, anywayz, surprisingly, I like it!
The story itself seems interesting, though not realistic. And it's fun to watch you know, the funny parts, etc. And I shall say the main guy, James Marsden is cute! Yea, and I think it is quite romantic... Oh, when was the last time I fell in love?????

I supposed this movie wasn't made to impress too many people. It's not really the kinda movie that you would expect good reviews or make it to the Oscar. But because of the way they write the synopsis, I got really interested. I wonder if this is a different kind of horror movie... It turned out, well it was horror in a way, because there were sooooo many bloody surgery scenes that I had to shut my eyes through. But the part that I was expecting to be scary--the part where the main guy is awake throughout the whole operation, wasn't that bad.
But I love the storyline, the twist of the movie. You wanna know what's that? It's a twist, so of course I'm not telling ya! Hehehehe... But apart from that Hayden Christensen, for the the first time I saw him acting (I DO NOT WATCH STAR WARS), I thought it was REAL bad. He just looks like he has the same facial expression in the entire movie! Well the one I love the most in the entire movie is surely Terrence Howard. I've fell in love with this black actor since I first saw him the Crash. Watch out for him!

What a long title, how are the kids going to remember that? Anywayz, I was excited about it just because it has Jim Carrey's voice in it! For your info, I'm a fan of that funny Jim Carrey! I love him! Well, I like the story of this movie, but it isn't funny enough lor... When it comes to animation or cartoons like this, I expect it to be like super duper funny, but this one didn't impress me much...
L Change the World
La la la la... L is soooo cool! And in this one, he became funny too! Before going for it, someone

The only thing I don't like is the fact that they made it looks more like a ghost horror movie...
There are still quite a lot of movies that I can't wait to see! To name some, Ben Affleck's directing debut Gone Baby Gone, Get Smart, Children of Huang Shi, etc...
No, 'etc' isn't a movie.
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