Yea, :( is what best describe my mood now.
Being in Taiping is just soooooo nice! Everything is just sooooo nice!!!
I could have stay in Taiping for another few more days, but have to be back for my class today.
But the class today had just made things worst.
I don't mind them changing the teacher the last minute, because you can't blame them. The teacher himself is busy with his own work.
But they changed the whole topic of the class all together. No offend, I admire her as a young woman producer, and also not to say I'm superb in production stuffs, but talking about what are the kinda shows that you like to watch, how do you think the production of those shows go, or listening to the teacher telling you her experience of doing a morning talk show is like damn boring to me. You know I've been through that, there is nothing to be 'hoooh-haaah' about. My god, I was like so close to falling asleep in the class!
And the sufferings will continue for another week because she will be back next week. And WORST of all is she had asked us to shoot a short thingy ourselves to be played in class next week, just to give us a feel of how the whole process goes. I was like SHIT!!! Never mind I have to experience what I've already experienced, I have to go to KL for meetings and shooting and do extra work!!! Grrrrhhhhh... Not to say I'm lazy or whatever, especially when I'm jobless now, but it is really unnecessary lor... Meeting has to be done at night and I hate going out at night, except if someone can send me home.
Don't fucking want to talk about it anymore.
I went to my Ah Ku(uncle)'s 50th birthday bash last night. Quite fun in a way since there was Karaoke! Hehehe... Still trying to gather all the pictures and videos before I post them all here, but here's a peek on my bling bling dress that I wore to the dinner. Bought the dress for CNY but didn't get to wear. I love it... Except for the fact that I have to hand wash it...
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