If not for the shooting, I wouldn't be there at the Malaysia International Food & Beverage Trade Fair. But... But... To get into the fair F.O.C wasn't that bad, so I'm not complaining! I LOVE FOOD! :p
I finished my shooting faster than expected. I actually think my cameraman was already too tired and lazy because I was the last one to shoot! But well, I really hope the whole thing will turn out well lar...
I was doing some Taiwan's fruits. Okay, that really shows how much I LOVE Taiwan, right?
Ohyea, I really do hope I'm actually in Taichung, Taiwan!
Shooting... Shooting...
Diva Shirlexia trying the lychee at the Taichung's government booth.
And... Bloodily yummy mushrooms from Taichung!!! Arrrrhhh...
There is no way I'm going to miss taking a picture with the mushrooms!
I'm not lying, that's a REAL SQUARE-ED SHAPE WATERMELON!
I have no idea why Karen loves taking photo with the same pose...
Same pose when taking picture with the watermelon....
With the watermelon again, and the same pose again...
Even with the pears, different fruit all together, she remained the same...
And even when pretending she is in Taiwan...
And not only with fruits oh, she had the same pose even when taking picture with human... Maggie!
And that made me think of Ah Fa with her trademark pose-the one sided head pose! Hehehehe...
Anywayz, most of the food are only for looking or testing, but not selling... Well they are trying to get agents to buy their stuffs... And that is FREAKING ANNOYING!!!
I ate so much of yummy mushroom there, but I can't own them! Arrrrhhhh... I'm sure Yve Vonn know how I felt!!!!! Anywayz yea, we were basically enjoying our time testing the food and drinks there and they were enough as our lunch! Yay yay... Save RM again!
See those mushrooms? I was sooooo excited when I saw them! And they were basically my lunch today!
The Korean booth with the yummy spicy rice...
... With the whole lot of people waiting to test... Malaysians mah... Free food wor... Who said Singaporeans are kia su?
Personalized chocolate, which looks really nice, but cannot eat one wor...
One of the most crowded booth was this one, the vegetarian food booth! They also have very yummy mushrooms!!!Er... Sorry, maybe I have to take back the 'Save RM again!' part... After we wrapped up our shooting, we went on for our shopping spree! Well, not much to buy in the end because I don't buy chocolate, snacks, stuffs that need to be deep fried, stuffs that are too weird, stuffs that are too normal, etc...
I spent 50 bucks ONLY ler! Come on, that's so little compared to the RM150 I brought, okay? And here are the stuffs I bought...
Whole lot of vegetarian food! They are damn cheap, okay? 10 packets for 20 bucks ler! Well half of them that I bought were mushrooms!!! Wahahaha... Mushroom lovers mah... Okay Yve Vonn, if you happen to pass by Sunway, come lar, I can give you some of the mushroom!
(2 packets are missing because I already opened them!)
And this one... RM30 for a big jar of honey, apple, pear, peach tea from Korea. It's good for your throat, just perfect for me! :)**Special thanks to Karen and Maggie for taking me some pictures when I was busy with the shooting! :)
Yummy! Yummy! So envy with u!!!
Actually what is ur job ah?
ar!!! got my favorite korean food!!!
ish ish ish!! beh gam euan!!!
i wanna eat kim chi!! n all the korean food....
Shall I answer your question here, Lay Jing?
I know you must be thinking I'm a TV host or something. No lar... I'm just hosting for my school which I've studied TV hosting!
I'm now a web content writer!
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