There are people who know the story behind the name, but I'm going to tell the world about it just one more time. You know we aren't born with an English or so called Christian name, so when we were in school, we started to search for the coolest Christian name possible for ourselves. So I started out as Shirley but I think it was 1997 or 1998 I decided to change it to Shirlexia.
I thought Shirley is too ordinary and old school, I wanted a glamorous and unique name. I added Alex (my favourite sportsman back then was Alex Lim)to it and that makes it Shirlex. I don't remember how the 'ia' came (I think probably because I used to like a Chinese badminton player called Xia Xun Ze?), so never mind, I'm Shirlexia since then.

Till now, if you Google search 'Shirlexia' you can only find me, Shirlexia Tan... *proud~ehm~ehm~*
But because of the uniqueness, majority of people find it hard to pronounce, spell or even remember... Sad case...
Look at my credit card and gym membership card...
I just don't understand! S-H-I-R-L-E-X-I-A! Isn't that easy? They can even make mistake copying my name! Ish...
Best of all, when I asked to replace the cards with the correct name on it, both of them said it's ok lar, wouldn't hurt one, can just use this card... ==|||
And over the years, people keep calling me different names, but definitely not Shirlexia. College time my batch of Malay friends love to call me simply 'Shelex', in Perth Rev and Lina, even their parents call me 'Shirley'.
So here's a quick tutorial to pronounce my name properly...
'Shir' is simply pronounced as the same as the 'Shir' in 'Shirley'(bloody hell, what am I talking about?). 'Lex' is simply pronounced as the same as 'lex' in 'Alex'. And then 'ia' is just like how you read out the 'ia' in 'Malaysia'!
Let's try this together.
Good~Well done! *clap~*
I thought you're used to calling me 'deardu'???
Haha that's the one name you guys call me that I forgot!
Hmm, if i ever meet you anywhere, i guess i still used to call you, 'li bin'. hehe :P
people always spell my name wrong too, its 'york' but not 'yoke'! (though they sounds almost the same...)
Well my friends in Taiping are still calling me Li Bin lar...
I think only when I started college people started to call me Shirlexia, cos that was how I introduced myself to them.
Yea... Your 'York' is pretty unique, most people ones are 'Yoke' wurt!
Shirlexia, I still couldn't help laughing. This post is really funny.
Hey thanks for visiting Yan!
Hahaha... Laughing about my name yea??? Hehehehe
Well I'm glad you enjoy reading it! :)
aiyoyo ...hard la .... i call u bao better :P
Fr;Ms K
Miss K somemore ler!
Yea lar I know you never call me by Shirlexia lar!
You? What wrong with your name?
Right... :p
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