Things currently running in my mind at 4 something in the morning...
1. It's raining, it's cold, I'm sneezing. *Ha~Chew~~*
2. Yay~ Deardo Wong is coming home, coming back to me in few hours time! BUT Deardo's mum is also coming back to KL. Cannot together-gether yee yan sai gai... Sigh...
3. Think, think, think... Which companies can I apply for a job?
4. Think, think, think... How can I earn money without a permanent job?
5. I want to hug and kiss my man so badly!!!
6. I think I'm feeling hungry.
7. I feel like having a Chicken, Cheese and Avocado Focaccia and a hot Mocha at Bookmark Cafe, Curtin University of Technology.
8. Oh... I miss Perth... :(

I think every time when I'm helpless, or when I feel sad or lonely, I feel like going back to Perth, or wish that I had never came back to Malaysia!
We have to move on ... and now u HOME! Life's full of up and down, and try to think positive! Cheers~
I know lar Lay Jing, just all of a sudden got this kinda feeling mah...
I'm trying very hard to be positive now, it's just hard to not get a job for so many months...
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