Well, there were definitely way too many pictures taken that weekends (imagine, 3-4 professional and semi-pro cameras around)that I had headache just by looking through them and figure out which one to put up. So I've decided to make it easier by skipping all the scenery pictures, and these are basically pictures of me or me and the gang lar!
Date: May 30 2009, Saturday
First Destination : Breakfast @ Lian Thong
Food was already shown in my earlier post, here's a family photo of us, excluding the photographer Miss Lim...

Second Destination: Tree-planting opposite LJ's house
It was XT's idea (or is it others?) to start this kinda meaningful thing to do lar, which is to plant a tree every time the Cincai Group goes for an event. So we bought the Umbrella Tree and planted it with our own wishes written and planted next to the tree... Aih... We all so old liao, I really don't know how come we have all this kinda semangat to do all this wey!

Next up: Maxwell Hill
Initial plan was to get up to the top with the jeep. But then too bad, tickets all sold out! Bloody hell it was only what? 10am ONLY! So apparently jeeps at Maxwell Hill stop working very early, so all future visitors should be aware of this lar yea.
So we just spent our time taking pictures at the bottom of the lazy Maxwell Hill...

Next stop: Austin Pool
Ah, tell me about it, I can still remember when was the last time I went to a waterfall-pool. It was way way way way back in Perth when I went down south with Jodi and Dana. Gosh, that was bloody 3 years ago! Arrrrhhh, damn scary thinking about how time past. :S
Anywayz, the waterfall is definitely the best place to go in such a HOT weather! We didn't get real wet (ei, don't think the other way ah...) since nobody bothers bringing extra shirt, so we were basically feeling the real cold water with our legs... Aaaarrrhhh... Still VERY SYOK!

I'll skip the lunch because it was already done in my earlier post.
After lunch: Taiping Railway Station
If you haven't know, or you've totally forgot everything you studied in Sejarah, then let me remind you, this is the very first railway station in the whole Malaysia! Taiping really has many many first one man! Taiping Boleh!!!
I always think the railway station is a really nice location for nice pictures. And the number of pictures taken there just proved what I think was right! And I think the best thing is, nobody even cares when we crossed the railway track or even spent time taking pictures on it! Ha, Taiping people really all very 'relek' lar!

Final Destination: Choy, choy, choy! I mean, our last destination of the day, Taiping Lake Garden.
Well, I know you want to see the beautiful scenery of Taiping Lake Garden, but urm, sorry lar, maybe you can check out my Facebook for that...

So that's the end of our tiring yet fun Saturday tour-around-Taiping 'Kia Kia Kua Kua Ciak Ciak & Hip Hip'!
Date: May 31 2009, Sunday
Destination: S.R.J.K (c) Hua Lian 1 & 2
Event: Archery, yay~~~!!!
Honestly, I love archery, and I love archer! Remember few months back when I met national archer Cheng Chu Sian? Oh, I definitely think he is cute in person!

Okay, wait, don't get me wrong oh, the first time I tried archery, Cheng Chu Sian hasn't even join the national team. In fact, he must be still very small lor! Aih, I'm old sister to him liao! :(
Anywayz, I first tried archery when I was Form 3 I think, when I went to Singapore for the first time. My cousin brother insisted we try, so I did. I was kinda addicted to it, althought all my arrows went only upper or lower than the round target... ==||| Yea, I know!!! I'm always a sports lover but never have any sports 'cells' in me! Aaaaarrrhhhh! Bloody hate it!
So this time since XT's father is coaching the school team at Hua Lian 1, we had a short lesson from him and had LOADS OF FUN playing archery (can I even say 'play archery'? Haha...)! Of course for the first urm, about 9 arrows, all went down to the grass, only later did I started to use my real stregth (Cheh wah...) and started to get on the target board. But never kena the middle target yet lar! Ei, give me some time, I'm sure I can improve one, okay?
So it was a fun-filled weekend in Taiping filled with events! Never did I stayed out of the house for so long when I came back to Taiping! All the sweat and sun-burn was just okay since ha, god only knows when was the last time I had sun-burn like that!
I guess it was great to have the Cincai Group organizing all these events, not only I got to go out to different places, from places that I got to go for the first time, to places like my hometown, the school I used to go, the places I used to hang-out when I was a kid... Looking forward to more event coming up in the future! Especially the concert in August! Plus, meeting up with old friends whom we've lost contacts for quite a while or even friends that I never even know when we were in school! Honestly, we still look like a bunch of Chinese school graduates, seriously! No matter how westernized you think I became, especially returning from Australia, when I'm with them I'm such a true 华校生!And I hate to say this, we still hate you, Convent choir girls! Boo~ Boo~ Boo~! Hehehe...:p
Bonus: Taken in Taiping town...
*Special thanks to LJ, XT and KK for the pictures! :)
LJ's name appear few times, dunno where to start response.
It's really fun to have a wonderful memorable gathering. That's y I make lots of shots. That's true you have the RICHEST face expressions! It's good to have u as model to pose. U rock! Kamu Batu! 你石头!
OMG!!! L1J1 is here again!!!
Wheeeee....Wat a nice post!
Thanks for attending the event.
Your attendance is appreciated!
Hopefully more interesting coming in
Need time, preparation and you people to actively take part!
Cheers to cincai grp!
Cincai grOup banzai!
We actually have a few plans coming up in KL... But that means without you!
Aiya, what to do? You're not here... :(
It's okie.You guys jz go ahead!
As long as you guys keep our group active. Do update me the event, see whether i can Join or not =))
waa...even ah fa's name appeared!!
Seems like next time din join you guys also can't liao ler~
Oh yea, regarding the photo of the shoes you guys captured with the ella ella plant, the one wearing "ka kiak" is dam cool! XD
Sure lar, now we have a few coming up lar, any confirm ones will inform you! :)
Ah Fa,
It will be cool if you can join lar, I thought u always busy with work and bf mah...
Can you guess whose leg was that?
Reading this midnight... suffer! haha~ Post me the cheese baked rice!!!
Eh, Lay Jing, you left comment in the wrong post ler...
I was so sad nobody leave comment in that post!
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