Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our 1st X'mas Tree & My X'mas Wish List

Jingle bell~ Jingle bell~ Jingle all the way~!
Me and ma colleagues having fun with the jingle bell... Or is that what you call it? 
While I've never really celebrated Christmas in my entire life, I've always love the celebration and the songs! I mean the celebration and the music always make you feel warm and lovey dovey, don't you think so? And love it or hate it, Christmas songs are definitely nicer than CNY songs!
This year, despite the fact that people are saying the end of the world is coming before you can even think of celebrating Christmas, I'm already full-on with the Christmas mood! Okay, I know it could be simply because we are in a new house that we are super gungho about things, but well whatever lar, we have set up a Christmas tree in our house! Our first one together as a couple for Deardo and I and the very first Christmas tree of my life! Woot~!
The technical part for Deardo to take care of...
It took us less than 30 minutes to set up and decorating the tree and I had great fun decorating the tree! Oh I know how hard it would be to dismantle them but let's just keep that till later! :p The tree and most of the bells came from Deardo's parent but I also bought extra stuff to make the tree a bit more fashionable! :p
Aesthetic part is surely for Ms. Shirlexia to handle...
And ta da... (with hands waving at the side of the tree)
Top: with lights in the living room, bottom: without the lights in the living room 
I just couldn't stop admiring and smiling looking at the tree that at one point Deardo thought I've gone insane! It really feels more like home that every night when we got home there it is, the Christmas tree with LED lights blinking all over! :D
Decoration for the dining table too!
I actually bought a smaller Christmas tree for our dining table because again, out of gungho-ness of being in a new house, we have invited two gangs of family members to our house for Christmas dinners. Note: it's dinner(S) not dinner okay? I feel exhausted just by thinking about it but I know this will only happen maybe like, this year? Cos new house mah... Sure more excited to hold parties all that, right?

My Little X'mas Wish List
1) More time so that I can complete my work in the office
2) More time so that I can have time to plan for our Christmas dinners!
3) More time so that I can properly plan and practice for my emcee job at Sin Fei (my lovely cousin sister)'s wedding on Dec 31! Aaarrrhhh... Excited yet no time to do anything yet!!!
4) More time so that I can rest properly

... Looks like I'm seeking for more time and if it is not too much, end of the world better not come because I NEED MORE TIME!!! 


WCL said...

May your wishes come true and Merry Christmas ah du~~~

ShiRLeXia said...

Thanks a lot Ah Do! :)