Monday, December 31, 2007



Sunday, December 30, 2007

Another Bachelor Gone!!!




Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy New Year!

I'm going to be pretty busy tomorrow (30th). I've got a meeting with my classmates on our graduation preparation at 10am. Then hopefully I will have some time to go look for the nachos dip which 4e wants me to prepare for her new year party. Then will have to head to work.
And on the 31st I will be spending my day at 4e's house helping her out on her party and spend the new year over there.
So, before I get really busy, I would like to wish everybody a VERY VERY HAPPY 2008!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007



韓 劇一向愛以各式各樣的絕症來做文章,《謝謝》裡的女主角孔孝珍既要供養患癡呆症的祖父,女兒又感染愛滋病,自己還因未婚媽媽的身分受盡歧視,不過這劇集卻 一反韓劇哭哭啼啼的風格,祖父癡呆得可愛,小女兒更從頭到尾都精靈活潑,加上退役后的張赫落力演出,感人之余,也不乏笑點。









基 書住在英心家期間,漸漸與這家人產生了感情,尤其一直渴望有父親的李春十分聽他的話。其后李春有愛滋病的事意外被揭發,島上村民群起要求英心一家搬走,但 在小漁村生活了一輩子的祖父堅持不肯離開,令英心心力交瘁。基書鼓起勇氣向英心表白心意,並轉達智敏生前的歉意后,卻被英心拒絕……


韓國著名攝影作家趙世鉉為他的攝影展覽《天使的信5-星》,請來演員李美妍、張赫、韓惠珍、尹恩惠、朱智勳、金正恩、樸正雅、李勝基、wonder girls等十幾位大牌明星共同拍攝一組為推廣領養孤兒的照片集,受到各界關注。
















Thursday, December 20, 2007


算了,错过上一次王传一来,这次怎样都一定要到了!不过因为下雨的关系,整个活动很快的就结束了。也因为下雨的关系,大家都撑着伞,拍照也很难,只拍到一堆的雨伞!另外,本人没买那个偶像剧的DVD,所以也没去签名。不过在旁边猛拍照时还跟旁边两个也喜欢传一的女生不停的在喊“王传一,我爱你!”是每隔几分钟就喊一次、是撑着伞、淋着雨在喊、是只有我们这三个在喊哦(真的,直到后来才有几个开始喊贺军翔,杨丞琳的没有哦)!当然我们帅得不得了的传一有站起来向我们招手啦!招手也超帅的啦!不过,真的拍不到什么照片。又下雨、又一群security guard的......没变啦!
传一要走了,bye bye啦!下次再来哦!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Caroline's Wedding

Yea... Finally the pictures are here!
2007 is surely a wedding year. From all my Malay friends like Bob, Leha, Nora a.k.a Melati, till my friends in Perth such as Danielle and my 'ko ko' Vin Chin, and most probably Tina too! Caroline's is the one that I was dying to attend. Because well the rest are mostly far far away, from Seremban, Pahang, then Perth, Macau or China. Carol's at Klang and it was a great opportunity to catch-up with my ex-colleagues whom I was very close to in Perth.
Well, unfortunately not many of them made it, only four of us in the end. But we were all very excited and had a great time!From Left: Weng Yew, Chia Pin, Pat and me, the Penang Food Restaurant's gang.
The very special individually-bowled shark fins soup.
And the very special five-happiness
Of course, Caroline looks great! Barry, his husband also looks extra handsome that night.
It was a great night, minus the Hokkien songs and oldies...
Don't ask me, the next one is definitely not me, ok?

Monday, December 17, 2007

My very own Sea Games review

I usually get really excited about big games events which Malaysia competes in. But for some unknown reasons, I'm not as excited as before anymore, even though it was our best ever achievement outside Malaysia... Well, of course, I am still very happy for them. I mean, they've got 68 gold and finished second behind the host! **Big hands for them please!
And I was normally very excited to write a review in my blog, but this time I'm pretty lazy to do it. I guess it's just because I've grown older, or probably because I'm now a sports journalist, or it's just because I don't really feel so much like a Malaysian anymore? Damn, I'm actually feeling very lazy to write a review!
Okay, okay, let's do this... We can do a short one, by only talking about sports or sportsmen I like. Sounds good? Ok, you have no choice, right? I'm the one writing, not you... :p
My pick for Star of the Games: Yeoh Ken Nee
I first get to know this fellar back in 1999 Brunei Games where he got his first ever Sea Games gold. Today he is still a successful diver, better than ever, winning three gold medals. I don't know, even though I've know him, even though I see nothing special about this guy from the outside, I always feel that he really has the talent in him. When he decided to retire few years back for his studies, I felt really really bad because he was still at his peak. And it was a right choice for him to come back because since then, he had got the silver at the Asian Games! And this Sea Games just made it clear that he is the man whom divers from the world should be watching out for. I hope to see another historic result from him at the Olympics next year.
My pick for the Best Malaysian Team: Aquatics & Karate-do
14 gold from Aquatics, 8 gold from Karate-do. The results said it all, full-stop.
My Pick for the Worst Malaysian Team: Silat
I don't even watch this event. But I heard, yea I really just heard, that they have a few world champions or something. Then what happen in Thailand?
My Pick for the 'I'm damn happy for him' Athlete: Ooi Wei Siang & Josiah Ng
After the Ngs' brothers left, Wei Siang had to carry the burden to deliver. And like he'd told me, it is never easy to beat the Thais at their place in a subjective sports like gymnastics. He got a gold, luckily, but if there were fairer judging, I'm pretty sure it will be more than one gold. Anywayz, that was his first individual gold at the Sea Games, so I'm really happy for him! As for Josiah, he always failed to win gold at important games event so I was a bit worry. But when it was an all-Malaysian affairs final, I thought, ok now it doesn't matter anymore. But later I thought, no, no, if he loses, things will be bad on him from the media. So yea, another reason for me to be feeling the relief for him.
My Pick for the Most Precious Gold: Women's Basketball Team
Hello? They were playing in front of those thousands of Thai supporters and were behind at the beginning of the match. Then they slowly catch-up... I was only following the match through live score on the internet and I was damn 'kan cheong'! And they defended their gold with a 61-60 scoreline! Phew~! We beat the Thais at their home, where they even hired a Korean coach and called back some seniors just to beat us! And we just slapped them on their face! That was damn cool man!
My Pick for the Most Precious 'other medal': Ng Sock Khim
A first silver medal in table-tennis, from a surprise player. Surprise, surprise!
And finally, My Pick for the Cutiest Malaysian Sportsmen:
1. Cheng Chu Sian (Archery) -- Young, cute and furious... Hahahaha...
2. Yeoh Ken Nee (Diving)-- I think he is still very attractive whenever he dives.
3. Elvinn Keo (Squash)-- Seriously, never ever heard of him before he won the gold. But this young boy is CUTE!
Not to forget, Shakirin Ibrahim-- Just because he wasn't a gold medalist (well, he got a bronze), I almost forgot to mention him. He is still, so far, the best-looking Malaysian athlete I've ever met!
Alright, that's it. And.... MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!

Mandurah Line is here!

I know, I know I'm not in Perth anymore. But when I was there the Mandurah line was the one thing that I was looking forward to. I've been to Pinjarra, which is like really near Mandurah as a volunteer and actually promised my host family that I'll be back to visit them but I never did. And my 'ko ko' moved there for work and I had never seen him since then (& he just got married & I just missed his wedding...). If the train line was done a year ago, I'm sure I would have make a trip to Mandurah!
So to those still in Perth, it's such a great news! Now you can travel to Mandurah easily and the frequency of the train is every 15 minutes, which is duh, better than any trains here in KL!
So do check the site out to find out the details!

Friday, December 14, 2007

OH NO!!!


Thursday, December 13, 2007


老实说,Sea Games期间真的是我开始在N报工作那么久最开心的一段日子。不必想要写什么新闻,又不会被骂。虽然有时要很夜才回家,可是回家时老板竟然会跟你说谢谢,又可以claim OT,我乐在其中呢!可惜快乐的时光总是过得特别快,还有两天一切都要恢复正常了。唉......


是的,今天放假,我破纪录没出去哦!是想出去看Alvin & Chipmunks的,不过因为太迟了,又学校假期哩,所以还是算了!
难得家里的internet line没什么问题,那我就呆在电脑前当一天的宅女啦!
当然,同时间我是在跟着Sea Games的进展的,今天我们好像很不错哦!不过刚才看过跳水赛,真的为每一位参赛者捏了把冷汗!有好几次看到Ken Nee都好像有几次差一点弄到跳板,看到我整个身体都缩了起来!还好他和Rosh都有惊无险的过关了!可是其他的可没那么幸运哦,一个泰国的选手和一个菲律宾选手脚都碰到跳板,菲律宾的那个还蛮严重的,我看到整个喊了出来!哇塞,真的有点恐怖耶!之前读新闻就有说到Ken Nee他们投诉过那边的跳板太旧了,不符合标准。刚才看的时候还听到那个跳板的声音超大声的!真的希望Ken Nee和Rosh要小心哦!不想看到你们受伤!
Anywayz, 还是恭喜Ken Nee保持着他的水准,赢得了金牌,Rosh也很不错哦,才输一点点而已。而且Ken Nee帅气依然哦!很帅、很帅!拍手!
By the way,我现在穿着Jodi从澳洲邮寄过来的底裤哦!,好可爱的哦!真谢谢她!越来越想念她了,不知道她现在在印度实习如何了?有没有如愿看到她最爱的大象呢?嘻嘻!Jodi邮寄来的可爱底裤和一大堆的可爱明信片!



My Latest Crush

Malaysian Archer Cheng Chu Sian... Seriously, although he definitely looks older than a 21 year-old boy, but damn you just can't deny that HE'S CUTE!!!
P/S:He had qualified for the Olympic next year and had just won both the individual and team gold medal in the recurve event at the on-going Sea Games!

Monday, December 10, 2007



Thursday, December 6, 2007


本来就plan好了今天要去Pyramid走走的,所以就撑着伞出去了。到了那边才忘了两件很重要的东西。1)本人近来很穷。2)本人最讨厌window shopping了!对啦,我不会很穷,只是很缺钱啰,显......老妹的“夸张贵”的assignment需要我资助(我的妈呀,各位家长,如果没钱请别“乱乱”让你的孩子念设计啊)、刚搬家又花了一笔、每个月还要付电脑的分期付款单......还想说下个月开始可以帮老妹还她的屋租,减轻一下老爸的负担、还想说很快就可以买新手机了.......这样看来,全都免谈了。没办法,就window shopping了一下,看到衣服、鞋子的我都离三尺,看到杂志的也离二尺!然后还是要花钱买一些新房间的东西,还好不会太贵。结果连晚餐也吃KFC(在Pyramid,最便宜的就是快餐),很希望屋主能快点买煤气,让我能在家里煮,省很多耶!
最近有一个想法,想在我的blog里来个特别的东西,还不懂成事吗,不过我会试试看的,敬请期待啰!这个是special的,是混进Sunway Hotel拍得蓝色圣诞树。怎样?靓无?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Mew Choo's fighting spirit

Although Wong Mew Choo lost in the early round in the Hong Kong Open, just days after winning the China Open, her win in GuangZhou was still considered as a historical win and her fighting spirit was just too good!
Here's the third set of the final where Mew Choo was behind all the way until 17-16. It was a great comeback for her to finally win the match! I mean, no doubt the Chinese players are a class above many other countries, but I hate them just because they are being so arrogant (no thanks to Mr Li Yong Bo)! Once in a while, we really do need to give them a lesson like this!

And don't you think Mew Choo is so cute when she won the match? She just looks like a little girl!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007



I want to...

It's funny, many of my friends would love to have my job.
"Sport journalist? That sounds really cool, I wish I can write like you."
"Wah you only start working at 3pm? That's freaking cool!"
True, minus all the morning assignments, I will only need to be in the office at 3pm or later. True, sport journalist sounds pretty cool, not because of the writing, to me it's more to the opportunity to meet with some world class athletes. I'm always thrilled at getting the chance to meet some of my idols!
Okay, I'm pretty cool with my working hours actually. I mean, where would you get another job that would allow you to go to the gym at 9am in the morning? And if you have enough time, you can even go for a movie before heading to work! And having off days on weekdays is also cool with me because you wouldn't need to pack into the crowd during weekend(of course, I mean except for the bloody school holiday!!!Arrrrhhhh...).
But I'm also finding it difficult to do stuffs that I want to do, namely...
1) To attend Caroline's wedding
It's on this Sunday and I'm dying to go because over there I will meet some of my ex-colleagues whom I've worked with at the Penang Food Restaurant in Perth. I'd sent my off day request for this Sunday but I'm still in doubt whether or not I'll get the approval... My boss just came in today to do the roster. Finger crossed, finger crossed...

2) Join my classmates in organizing our graduation
Well, I finished my hosting course last month and the graduation is scheduled next January (although sadly, I haven't even record my graduation piece because of the hospital stay). The school had decided to let us (student) do the job of arranging the whole event which is going to be held at the PWTC. Apparently, only students from the hosting class are all excited about doing the job. Jin Jing had even came out with a script for a play! And Karen is involved in the committee although she has to travel all the way from Ipoh! They are currently working on the stuffs and are having meetings every Saturday afternoon which, duh? I can't join!!!
Seriously, it is going to be an exciting event. The graduation is part of the youth exhibition at the PWTC. It will be HUGE! And you know I always think I'm a creative person :p (okay, I might not be for this few years but back then in secondary school, I always have good ideas when organizing events like that). There is NO REASON for me to miss it but my working hour! Everybody is off on Saturday and I understand the fact that they want to have it in the afternoon because nobody likes to wake up early in the morning on an off day! So yea... this is what you call 有心无力. Well, I'm still waiting for the e-mail of the information from them, we'll see what I can do....

3) Have dinner at the right time
I finished work every night at around 9pm, sometimes later if there is a need for me to wait for some results to come in. If it's 9pm, I will reach home around 10pm or so, which is definitely not a right time to have dinner. I can have dinner here at the right time but unfortunately, there will be only mamak food downstairs, which you can't really rely on everyday. Of course sometimes I will bring bread for dinner but you know I will still crave for something oily because my mind is telling me I only had a light dinner. Having dinner so late is probably the reason I didn't really lsoe weight despite all the gym sessions that I've fallen in love with!

So, does the job still sound very cool to you?

Monday, December 3, 2007



Saturday, December 1, 2007

Resolution & Announcement

Okay, I know it is a month early to make a new year resolution. But since I hope this will come true by the next month, which is January 2008, I better announce it here with the hope that you guys will be able to help.
I've decided that, if possible, I want to pay for my sister's rent, which is RM 420 from January on. We've just shifted and there is a huge rise of our rent from the previous 200 bucks. Now we are in seperate rooms, which means I am also paying 42o bucks for my own room.
But the 420 will be another burden for my dad. He is already paying too much from my studies to my sis's. And he has to keep his dream of owning a new car until my sis graduate next August(well, that's what he said). I always mumble non-stop about him buying a new car because our old one is bloody 16 year-old and is making so much noises and my dad has to ride on his bike all the time as my mum is always driving the car. I am constantly worry about the fact that he is riding on the bike! Almost everyday I'm worry that something would happen! Touchwood! But it is true, I don't feel safe with motorbikes!
So... I'm begging to you all, not for money lar! But a part-time job. Of course it will not be that easy as I have a permanent job at the moment. But just try me. Anything that I can do at home, scriptwriting, writing press releases, freelance writing, etc. If you dare take the risk, you can even try me on doing voice-overs or emcee-ing. I'm new in these but you can give me a try! I can do it in English or Mandarin. Anything that can offer me at least an extra RM 420 per month will do! Thanks a lot in advanced!

As I've said above, I've shifted. But it's still the same area. The house is a bit not so well done yet after the renovation. My toilet's light is still not working, so I can't even use it at night time. The air-con in my room can't work. I mean, it can be turned on, but you can't change the tempreture at all! But the room is okay, with a big wardrobe which I can now put all my huge piles of clothes in it! Yoo~hoo~!
But the biggest problem right now is the wireless line that I'm using isn't stable. So I can't really go on-line, fuck! You know I can't live without internet!!!
Okay, I hope everything will be fixed soon lar!
So if you are coming to pick me up to somewhere, be aware that I've moved.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Across the Universe is AWESOME!

Well, I know Yve Vonn will be shouting at me... But I had also missed all the films for 2 weeks because of the time I spent in the hospital, and then in Taiping. I'm so glad that I'm finally back to the cinema! Hurray! Watched 3 movies the last two days and Across the Universe is the best of the 3!!!

I went for the movie after reading about it in a magazine few days back. It said many internet-er had actually voted that this movie will be the big winner at the Oscar next year! I didn't read the synopsis though, but I was curious since it looks like just a teenagers movie! Anywayz, the title of the movie was also pulling me into the cinema since that is possibly my favourite Beatles' song!
But I am very surprise at what I see. True, it's like more or less a teenagers movie, on love, on sister-brother love, on war, etc. Which is like, duh... Very normal and perhaps boring. And the thing is, you don't even know the actors(okay, you get to see Bono of U2 and Salma Hayek)! But trust me, they are really not bad. The storyline, set in the 60s, might be a bit too common, but there are a few twists here and there that you wouldn't get in other ordinary teenagers films.
Of course, without me knowing, it's a musical! Which is more than fine for me! Especially when there are plenty of Beatles songs in it! Love it! Love it! Love it! Across the Universe, Blackbird, Hey Jude, strawberry Field Forever , Lucy in the Diamond Sky etc. Even for someone who know really little about The Beatles like me, got really excited listening to those songs. And this is definitely not Chicago or Moulin Rouge! It's different! The editing, the dances, the costumes, and the really special effects!
I mean, some part of it might be a bit too 'extraordinary', but damn I enjoy about 90% of the entire movie!!!
A bit too late for me to talk about this movie isn't it? But well, I'm sorry but I was trapped in the hospital, remember?
Well, this one is erm... Quite interesting, very educating... But I think it is not funny enough for an animation-cartoon film. Nevertheless, I love Renee Zellweger's voice! Her voice is just as cute as Bridget Jones!


Thursday, November 29, 2007


After two weeks skipping gym because of the dramatic hospital stay, I finally went back to gym last night. Well, I would say I'm feeling ok to start excersice again but I have to admit my hands are still feeling the pain of the needles, especially on my right hand which the doctor had took blood from the last three days I was there.
Anywayz, the first session after two weeks really kills me. Obviously I have to pick-up my fitness level again. I was already very tired after the second track in my spinning class! But you have to give me credits for finishing the whole class and continued with the yoga class after that!
Damn now I can feel the sore all over my body!!!
But after all, it's fun to feel the sore again! That's what you call 'SYOK'! I want to keep on the good work! I have to cut down weight!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


抗議不公.要評審下台 網友為林健輝掀戰火

(台北、吉隆訊) 《超級星光大道》第2季目前戰況激烈,早前播出的“一對一PK賽”單元,曾沛慈以《傻瓜》清唱拿下21分,險勝馬來西亞的踢館者林健輝20分,被網友抗議 不公,網友認為評審講評時明顯護航曾沛慈,紛為林健輝叫屈。網友最近更發起“倒評審”活動,要求製作單位拉下黃韻玲、張宇、袁惟仁等評審。



接著二度PK再被要求清唱30秒,她唱《傻瓜》,他唱英文歌《Flying Without Wings》,評審黃韻玲當時說:“音準不是那麼重要,歌曲有感情比較重要,《傻瓜》後面音不準,很多大牌後面音不準……”張宇則說:“林健輝你的東西是 電腦做出來的東西,比較不人性,沛慈不是沒有缺點,有點氣不足,我喜歡她人性化的一面。”最後曾以21分打敗林的20分。








黑人說:“他是我節目的冠軍,又抽到演唱我電影主題曲的曾沛慈,唉!手心手背都是肉。”曾沛慈與林健輝11日錄影時,第一場林健輝以王力宏的《流淚 手心》與曾沛慈打成平手,第二場兩人再度交鋒又平手,評審要求兩人12月2日再戰,曾沛慈私下坦言,林健輝實力堅強,讓她有種被纏上的感覺。











Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nice pictures to share!

Just want to share some photos of Wong Mew Chew's winning moments at the China Open last Sunday. Damn it was soooo hard to find these pictures! Anywayz, congratulations again to Mew Choo!



Sunday, November 25, 2007

Well done, Wong Mew Choo!!!

Congratulations, Wong Mew Choo!
The national number 1 had just won the China Open Super Series' women's singles in Guangzhou, China today.
She defeated world No. 1 Xie Xingfang of China, 21-16, 8-21, 21-17 in final, which saw the Malaysian gave all out and show her true fighting spirit in the match!


Another one, in two weeks time! Although I think the purpose of this demonstration was a bit erm... Weird, but well.... It's Malaysia, you know lar, it's like that one lar!

Back to work~!

After a 2-week break, which I spent at the Kangar Hospital and at home in Taiping, I'm so sad to announce that I'm going back to work today. What a bad day to start working, it's a bloody Sunday, ok? Arrrrrrhhhhh... So lazy lar!


是我曾经还蛮疯狂喜欢的本地艺人蔡可立的message,因为没得到他的允许,所以还是不公开他的message了。不过他是因为最近在录一个Yve Vonn做的节目,而Yve Vonn则是因为看了我曾经在blog里(旧的那个,在Friendster的那个)看到我写过关于他的东西才找他去试镜的,所以去看了我的blog,然后就message我啦(这个句子会不会太长?哈哈)!
好啦,让你看一下我之前写的那一篇blog吧!Click here!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


总之,小马的nice和体贴让我觉得支持他是值得的,我会一直挺你下去的哦,小马Go Go Go!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Matt Damon is the Sexiest Man Alive!

I know this is a bit late and outdated, but I was in the hospital when I read the news on the paper! So please allow me to celebrate this good news a bit later here in my blog!
Matt Damon named 'Sexiest Man Alive' - despite refusal
Nov 14, 2007
LOS ANGELES (AFP) — Matt Damon tried to turn down People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" crown -- but the Hollywood heart-throb's refusal backfired when the celebrity bible went ahead and named him anyway.
The 37-year-old actor, best known for his portrayal of amnesiac assassin Jason Bourne in the trilogy of "Bourne" blockbusters, initially said he didn't feel worthy of the accolade, the magazine announced Wednesday.
"You've given an aging suburban dad the ego-boost of a lifetime," Damon told People, suggesting that American football superstar Tom Brady should be honored with the tag instead.
But according to People, who announced its annual list for the 23rd time on its website, Damon's refusal "perfectly demonstrates many of the reasons we chose him in the first place."
Damon's "irresistible sense of humor, heart-melting humility" and "rock-solid family man" status made him the logical winner, People enthused.
Damon is married and has a one-year-old daughter, Isabella, and a nine-year-old stepdaughter with wife Luciana Bozan.
"My 9-year-old stepdaughter now thinks I'm cool -- well, cooler," Damon said in a letter to be published in People's latest edition on Friday.
"Don't get me wrong, though. I was really shocked and happy (Lucy said I actually blushed) when I heard the news. So I can't thank you enough for that."
Damon's victory sees him follow in the footsteps of friends George Clooney, a winner in 1997 and 2006, Brad Pitt (1995 and 2000) and Ben Affleck (2002).
Damon and Affleck won a screenwriting Oscar together in 1998 for "Good Will Hunting," the film that launched the duo's Hollywood careers.
As well as the hugely successful "Bourne" films, Damon has also starred in a series of acclaimed recent films, including last year's best picture Oscar winner "The Departed" and "Syriana."

***Now that's my man... Ok, not my man, my favourite Hollywood actor! Matt Damon is the man! And I've always think he is HOT and SEXY anywayz! Congratulations Matt and keep on the good work! I want to see more from you!!!