He is a Malaysian from a poor village in Kedah, and then off he went to study in Ireland, in the US and even worked for a few years in the US. He said it was the poor environment that made him dare to dream big. That was the environment that made him wanted to study overseas and succeed.
I thought it was quite true. I wouldn't say I came from a poor village, but yes Taiping is a small town. I think people who are from smaller towns or villages tend to dream bigger as compared to people who live in the big cities, especially those who already have everything and already been to N countries in the world when they are kids.
It was me being in Taiping and never been to anywhere out of Malaysia and Singapore that made me wanted to study overseas, and I actually worked hard to persuade Papo to give up part of his properties to let me go. It was also that that made we wanted to work hard and pay them back.

To me, everyone must have dreams. And everyone should dare to dream big! Try hard to achieve your dream even if it means unsuccessful in the end, it doesn't matter! At least you tried!
Oh by the way, Happy Malaysian Day and Happy Holiday to ya all~!
Ya quite true!
Happy Malaysia Day to you! I'm working anyway~
Same to you!
Ah lucky me, can bring my family around today! :p
Same here.. Small town and small family.
Not to say I have a poor family but my parents worked hard and save for the future. I'm glad I'm not their burden now.
Everyone should dream actually. Don't just stay in the comfort zone. I worked twice and "thrice" as hard to get to achieve my dream.. Material or achievements..
Financial freedom!
Haha... I don't know what to say!
Haha.. Glad that you've found a job.. Catching up your dream :)
Yeah, so true. Unfortunately, going overseas to study is always being my dream until now...Hahaha..:D
Thanks a lot!
Well it's never too late to go back to study! You can still do it one day!
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