Sunday, November 28, 2010


I think you and me know if it is not because I'm dating Deardo Wong, there is no way I would watch or even think about watching this alien-themed movie. So, to be fair, I'll be posting this movie review with comments from me and Deardo Wong.
Shirlexia says...
I'm totally not a fan and not used to watching anything to do with aliens. I can never accept the fact that there isn't any reason for the aliens to suddenly appear on earth just to suck human away. I mean, to me it must be something like human harmed them and so they come for revenge. I don't know if it make sense to you or not, but yea... Something like that.
Plus, very unknown actors with shitty acting skills. But hey that's not the worst one, the script is! "A gun? Really?", "Jarrod, look at me!"... The script was really killing me in the cinema man! And I totally hate it that the main characters survive despite all the running and screaming... And what about hitting and killing some plastic-made creatures? Wait a minute, am I watching Ultraman or Power Rangers?

Deardo says...
Deardo said aliens don't need a reason to come and take human away wor... While he agrees that the actors and script suck, he thinks the special effects was pretty cool.
Yea, he thinks the movie isn't all that bad... ==

So, I shall leave it to you to make your own judgment.


yvonne said...

I got to agree with you, this movie is the worst I've come across *shake head*

ShiRLeXia said...

Gimme Five~!

cinema foo said...

sucks to the max! no head, no tail

ShiRLeXia said...

Luckily you agree with me!