Deardo did some research (which turned out to be out-dated) and decided not to tell me where is the restaurant until we arrived!
Dinner @ Chandelier, Seputeh
First thing we got there was a car park/jockey fee of RM5... ==|||
And then we walked into the restaurant, in which from now on, I prefer to say it is a pub, I saw this lousy deco, especially those CNY deco! So spoiled the V-Day mood man! I mean we were expecting some romantic atmosphere here, hello???
Next thing we know was this Indian waiter giving us the menu and he was only wearing some football jersey. And the way he took our order was also so no not professional. And then as I looked around I found some sexy girls (not pretty also) sitting around the bar inside, I knew there must be some special services offered at this place. And then our mocktail came and the straws were these pink coloured normal straws you get at any Mamak stall!
At that moment, Deardo Wong already wasn't very happy...
Fine, our final hope was the food! Let's hope the food aren't that bad!
To be honest, Deardo's steak can be considered passed since the taste and the level of cooking was done well. But fries as side for steak just doesn't make sense to me! Our Chicken Ceaser Salad was so-so while I would say my Grilled Salmon was the worst of all dishes, and also worst of all grilled salmon I've ever tried in my life so far! The fish wasn't fresh and was badly overcooked and the meat was too hard to even chew! I mean, have you ever heard of fish being hard to chew????? I didn't even finish the dish. Yes, it was that bad. And you should see in the picture, how sucky is the presentation!
And as we were eating, this two uncles came in and all the girls at the bar just went all out and greeted them with "Happy Valentine's Day" and "Gong Xi Fa Cai"! And then of course the next thing we saw was them sitting down drinking beer with the uncles! As we left, the table has two uncles and about 5 girls sitting with them! Now I'm thinking, would the uncles actually thought I'm one of those girls who would go layan them? Phew~!
In the end we spent RM156 for the bloody rubbish dinner and a RM5 parking fee... Bloody Hell! Deardo said to tell you all to "avoid Chandelier at all cause" but I would give it a chance. I mean if you are some middle-aged uncle who wants to just enjoy beer and girls (and you don't even mind if they are ugly), this is the place to be! I'm serious!
Second Round @Delicious, Bangsar Village 2
Knowing Deardo Wong, when he is not happy with the food, he demands more. So off we went to Bangsar Village 2 for a second round. Deardo made the choice of trying Delicious, the famous restaurant which he has not tried before (I had it once many years ago...).
He originally ordered a chicken burger but all burgers were sold out so we had to go with the Aglio Olio and Zucchini Chips.
To me, the Aglio Olio wasn't very good. Not only it was tasteless (since there were bottles of black pepper and salt on the table, I assume they probably expect us to add flavour ourselves?), but the spaghetti itself was also a little overcooked and too soft and sticky. But I like the Zucchini Chips! Although I prefer the zucchini to be a little more cooked but the crispy stuff around the vegetable was yummy! I can only tell you it tastes a little like muruku! See how unique it is?
I still think Delicious serves better Asian food. What say you?
So, what an unforgettable V-Day!
Our conclusion is, next time, I should be the one booking a restaurant table and he just has to drive us there! :p
Looks like both of our V day also very unforgettable!! haha..
Haha yeah!
Btw, I showed Mr. Wong your post on your V-Day, he said you shouldn't have wiped off the words you wrote on the plate! :p
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