上个星期六、日到星期一(因为国庆日的假期)我在Jusco Bukit Tinggi当了三天的mobile DJ,是本人的DJ初体验哦!
其实工作范围是很简单的,一天有三场配合中秋节的表演,我的责任就是以华语和英语做一下预告,然后介绍表演团体或人出来表演,表演完毕就做一个closing。而且根本不用上台,如果要上台的话我想我大概紧张死了!很简单,或许也没有多少人发现我这个mobile DJ的存在,可是我自己却很high!
真的,第一次做这样的工作,感觉有点像梦想成真耶!以前在家乡的超级市场逛的时候,常听到那些里面的DJ在报告什么什么大减价,把所有的物品的价钱报出来,我就超羡慕,很想自己去当一下那种DJ!我觉得啊,这种不起眼的DJ工作是一种经验,是很好的磨练!之前答应当颖文的talk show的嘉宾时遇上了我很欣赏的主持人嘉慧,她告诉我她就是超市DJ开始做起的!所以啊,我觉得能够当三天的mobile DJ真的很棒耶!三天的工作让我很开心,也让我更清楚,OL真的不是我要的工作!其实要不是工作的关系,我还可以再做多几天的!可以做自己喜欢的东西,又可以赚钱,谁不想做啊?
非常希望还有这个机会啦!当然也谢谢The Voice的推荐啦!
哎哟,不过好讨厌啦!就是因为在商场里头工作,我工作之余还花了不少钱耶!买了一件很酷的衣服给爸爸,花了百多块(是要给他骂了啦)!然后无聊没事做就一直在买吃的,整个一直都在吃就是了!胖死了啦!我要变肥婆了!而且那个卖月饼的大姐对我太好了,一直拿月饼来给我吃,我又不好意思推掉人家的好意,又吃了很多。大概是她觉得包包脸很out了,要我变成月饼脸吧?总之三天里就吃了很多啦! 很跳tone的表演,这位叔叔,表演变脸之后,穿着这一身打扮,唱了一首“思念”!==
And I have to write the rest of this post in English because someone cannot read Chinese lar! Since I was in Klang, I contacted my friends in Klang to come see me there! And Ju Lin came without telling me! I was going to the loo when I turned and saw her standing over there! What a surprise! Haha… Cute Ju Lin, still as tiny as ever! Haha… :pJu Lin... Even the double-chin doesn't make her any 'bigger'!
And then I also met Sheryn who came and brought me to dinner in Klang and sent me home on the second night. The steam La-La was damn nice wei! Thanks ya, although… I actually forgot to take a picture with her!!! Anywayz, she is really skinny now! Hope she put on weight soon cos that will make her look healthier! Anywayz, it was great to get to catch up with them cos I have not seen them since Perth!
Till then, see you guys soon! I will be out of town this weekend. Going on road show with Voice Media down to JB and Malacca! Yoo~Hoo~ Yea, I am THAT excited. That will be my first ever trip to Malacca! I want to eat the Malacca chicken rice balls!
OMG, all I could think of is food! Damn it……
im really proud of u, at least u r so dedicated. u know, after i was disappointed by d radio station's final decision of not hiring me, i thnk i kinda thnk i'll nvr b a radio announcer again... i mean, i dont thnk i hv time for that if i want $$ equally to pursue my other plan... i was so near, i was so disappointed. but u r emerging good, keep it up, u got all my support! ;)
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