好啦,海角七号的那几封情信背后的故事蛮感人的,但制作也太“孤寒”了吧?要弄假船什么的,本来的感动也跑光了啦!里头组Band的还不错,有点喜感。可是男女主角的那段情也太奇怪了吧?莫名其妙上了床一次,就爱上了对方?好奇怪!而且到底范逸臣是哪里吸引人啦?人气急升到这个样子?我完全看不出来耶!感觉整个电影没有一个主题、没有一个比较重点的重点。我和I Rene看到还没一半就一直想说,到底还有多久才结束啊?好难过哦!哦,对了,里面的歌还不错啰!
Selamat Pagi Cinta
Or I shall call it Selamat Pagi Cheesy.
Wait, before I start, let's make it clear, I went for this Malay movie ONLY because it has two of my favourite Malay actors in it, namely Sharifah Armani and Que Haidar. Otherwise I can't remember when was the last time I went for a Malay movie. Needless to say, I was the only Chinese in the cinema!
Or I shall call it Selamat Pagi Cheesy.
Wait, before I start, let's make it clear, I went for this Malay movie ONLY because it has two of my favourite Malay actors in it, namely Sharifah Armani and Que Haidar. Otherwise I can't remember when was the last time I went for a Malay movie. Needless to say, I was the only Chinese in the cinema!
The story started very cheesily. Then it became better half way through. And then it became really bad again... I mean, it's totally a typical Malay love movie lor... Nothing much. Plus, the very obvious ridiculously bad sound dubbing and editing made me shake my head so many times in the cinema! And seriously, that guy who acted as Sharifah's arranged husband looks awful and acting also bad. No, I mean acting was... Funny... And seriously, the ending, or well it was supposed to be a beginning for the people in the movie, SUCKS!
Also, I caught a grammar mistake in the ending credits. In stead of 'Starring', they put 'Starring by'! Erm, to the production team or the director or whoever involved... Boleh Check betul-betul kah next time? Malu tu~!
Okay lar... Sharifah and Que are still very cute! Although... Make-up on Que was too much!!!
Anywayz, looking forward to catch Yasmin Ahmad's Muallaf!!!
本来还想去看 selamat pagi cinta 的说,看来还是省钱较好。我超喜欢sharifah armani, 喜欢她演的cinta和sepet,so cuteeeeee....
I think the film company is going to blacklist me! ==|||
i hope u do know that cinema actually were showing Cape No.7 by KliFF.
as for 'SPC', i heard from a friend that its a lady director at the age of 21... so, is it really that bad? coz i was thinking of being supportive...
and yes, i'm looking forward to Muallaf and hopefully we can go watch together! :)
SPC is really not so good!
Oh yeah, it would be fun if we can watch Muallaf together! Maybe that's when we can catch up with Ally too???
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