Aaaarrrhhhh… And came the year end sales, damn it!!! Even if I don’t go into any boutiques, I still buy on-line! Someone really need to save me (ha, you think so easy meh?)!
Anywayz, here’s some updates before I have more and more to come because I’m pretty fully-booked for quite a lot of events coming up from this weekend till next weekend.
To be accurate, I was also busy working two Saturdays ago (in which I rushed back to Taiping right after work) and last Sunday. Thanks to Mr. JC, I got my second paid mobile DJ job (well, I would call it emcee this time around, though) at 1 Utama. It was quite a challenging one but also a fun experience as compared to my first mobile DJ experience.
I basically had no idea what was going on. I did not get any schedule for the event happening, even the people at Jusco did not know until they went and ask their boss. On the two days I worked, it was the same, I went there and I got my task of the day. No preparation beforehand, no time for you to prepare a proper script or whatsoever.
I think the biggest challenge was it was ALL IN ENGLISH. Well, of course I have certain confidence with my English, but because of my studies and training at The Voice Academy, I’m more used to hosting anything in Mandarin! And, and it was a children event! I seriously DO NOT want to lose face speaking broken English or English with lots of grammar mistakes in front of those smart kids! And their parents were there, I DO NOT want to hear them telling their kids:"Eh, this cheh cheh’s English is bad, don’t listen to her ah…"! So you see, I was pretty nervous and uncomfortable at the beginning. Worst part was, unlike my first job, this time I had to be on stage! Imagine, I was only told about that only on that day itself, about 1 hour before the event started!
Phew~ Can kena heart-attack man…
Anywayz, I was lucky there was another emcee who did an earlier event there. So I kinda have an example there lar. In fact, in the end of the day, I felt I did slightly better than her because she was a bit too serious (Heath Ledger said:"why so serious?") and formal with the kids. I’m quite sure I made more friends with the kids than her. Ok lah, she is considered senior, she was calmer lar, I’m not saying she is very bad, ok?
Anywayz, two weeks ago, my job was to be in charged of the colouring contest which was really informal, and I had no problem doing it, absolutely (OMG, what a word) no shaky legs, shaky hands, or shaky lips! Yes~! But I did a little mistake when asking the guy to go up on stage to give away the prizes lar. Obviously nervousness was there!
But last Sunday, although it was a longer and tougher day, I felt so damn good after completing my task! I was hosting a drawing contest, which was organized by Disney magazine. They were a bit more organized, basically gave me details of almost everything, so it was easier for me… Although that would means I had to be on stage even longer, telling the kids this and that, tried to make them laugh, etc. But it was GREAT! I wasn’t nervous, no mistakes and I can see some of the kids enjoyed it! At night I announced the performance by the cute Kristus Aman Children Carolers, which was something similar to the one I did last time. So no problem there! :)
You see, all you need is to be confident with yourself!:)
And now, I’m ready to take on any other emcee-ing jobs in the future! Come on, bring them on!
And look what I got from Jusco as a complimentary gift! A Disney stories 2009 calendar! So the cute lar!!!And my favourite fairy-tales story, Cinderella is on February!
They have whole bunch of stickers at the back for you to ma ke note on the calendar!
So... I made an earlier reminder for you all! :p
Okay, that’s the bit about me and my part-time job that I’m enjoying so so much~~!
This weekend I’m booked on Saturday afternoon, going out for nice and free food with Yve Vonn! Thank you in advanced Yve Vonn! Muaks!!! Sunday night if without any last-minute change, there will be a Penang Food (the restaurant I worked at when studying in
Ok, ok, calm down first… I’m supposed to tell you more of the gatherings coming up. On next Tuesday night I will be going to Voice Media’s X’mas BBQ dinner. I’m actually not too keen on that you see, but since I haven’t meet Karen and Meng Han for a while, I think it’s time to catch-up lor. And then on the Saturday I will be attending Leslie’s fans gathering. So not me lar, I know. I just gotta give face to Leslie lar… Anywayz, I don’t know if there is more to come. Only these events are already making me crazy, especially the later ones which I have to bring X’mas presents! Aaaarrhhhh… So damn lazy to pick presents lar!
Will have more updates after the weekends I think.
Before that, here’s a movie review of the movie I watched last week…
Body of Lies
To my surprise, it was full house in the cinema! I guess Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe have their fans. Plus, some Middle Eastern people would be watching it because it talks about them a lot in the movie…
Yup, it’s yet another terrorist kinda movie. It’s about how Leonardo stays in different Middle Eastern countries (and yes, he speaks fluent Arabic) as a spy for the
Ohya, the guy who acted as Karami, I thought I’ve seen him before… And I went and checked, he was the main guy in Paradise Now! So apparently, nowadays it’s easier to get your break into
By the way, I will get to watch one of my favourite actors, Jim Carrey’s latest movie, Yes Man soon! Hurray! And I really can’t wait for
sorry for the lunch thing... it wasnt as expected but i hope u get to enjoy the food next time...
and i think 'Body of Lies' is quite disappointing as it approaches to the middle of the show. typical hollywood plot. wonder if its d same goes to the book...
and also, happy to hear that your emceeing job is going on so well. but don't forget that u can partner me when a female partner is needed :)
I'll see how... Cos I also don't really like so much of meat...
Erm... If I have a chance I will look for you lar. I'm still trying to make the 'business' bigger.
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