Again, lots of beautiful pictures of beautiful people ahead! Yooooo~Hooooo~!!!
First "F": Family.
Let's divide this part into two departments.
1) My dad's side family reunion.
CNY eve this year was also my cousin brother Chin Chuan's birthday! He is bloody 20 years old this year!!! Oh man, time really flies lor! So at night we gave him a mini birthday party with his parent, brother and sister, Ah Ma, plus the cousins who came back just for the CNY. We made a special birthday song for him based on a famous CNY song! Check it out!
We had really good time that night just chit-chatting in the kitchen at my Ah Ma's place! Everybody are like really good 综艺咖! So damn funny I couldn't stop laughing the entire night!
On Chu Yi, the first day of CNY, as usual, we spent almost the entire day with the cousins and of course took some really funny and... I must say, creative pictures!
You know, I used to get along better with the cousins in my mum's side when I was younger, but it's like total opposite now! I hang-out with Sing Siew more, and always have great fun hanging out with Sing Fei, Ju Lin, etc... So every once in a year, I enjoy the time having reunion with them so so so much! :)
Commercial Break: Reunion of the Tan sisters...
2) My mum's side family reunion.
Just because I said I get along with my dad's side cousins doesn't mean I bo syok my mum's side okay? My mum's side cousins are pretty much a bit more younger than me, but they are all really cute, okay??? My youngest little cousin Tesa is sooooooo cute! I reckon she is the most leng lui one among the sisters and brothers! I enjoyed playing with her so much... And ignoring her more older brother who is so damn naughty... You know me, always short of patience for kids. :p Eu Jin is leaving for Melbourne after the CNY, so yea, It was just a perfect time to catch-up with him, just in case he doesn't invite me to his farewell party! :p
And I have a very funny 4e and 4 Yi Tiao (hot new item of the family!) who started to give out ang pows this year! Yeah! One extra one this year!!! And my 4e was obviously very excited about that hey! Kakakakaka... And very interesting 2e who would tell you stories non-stop or has never-ending questions to ask you! Hehehehe...
We had a family photo session this year too! I think probably because the last time we took one was more than 12 years ago, on my Ah Ku's wedding. Now it is neccesary as we have 4 more kids from Ah Ku and Ah Kim, as well as, Uncle Mike, our new Yi Tiao! We took whole loads of pictures ourselves too, either before or after the family photo session!
Commercial Break 2: Reunion of the maids...
Second "F": Friends.
Kakakaka... 我好假!!!要吐了!!! :p
今年“我们那一班”的过年聚会,决定不去Panorama 了(可怜永吉没能吃他喜欢的星洲炒米和 omelete,哈哈),改去KK家 steamboat。不过咧,本来说有很多人的,还说了要喝酒什么的,结果就才剩下几个人冷冷清清的在吃,然后其他的一个一个慢慢出现,再冷冷清清的结束了......
先是“我们那一班”的喝茶聚会,然后就跟楚庭(我们里面赚最多的就是他了,快找他要钱)和Ah Ley出去我们自己的聚会。本来就约了书豪,结果就在cafe那里遇到了马志健(只有他我们才会连名带姓的叫)和坚成,两个跟我们同样是5sc6的同学!很意外的就有了一个迷你同班同学会!
最令我兴奋的莫过于看到瑞彬和凯哲啦!!!之前大家聊天的时候才聊起瑞彬班长那个路边的野花不要采的搞笑事件,我就很想见到他们了!其实我还很想见见那个怪咖柏舟和文观啦,可惜you know,柏舟说他在太平湖,什么不方便,莫名其妙的,果然是个怪咖!==|||以前很瘦、很可爱的凯哲现在就变胖了一点啦,虽然还是很可爱!嘻嘻!感觉很多男生都是有点发胖的现象啦!不过瑞彬就还好,比起之前那个bola形象的确瘦了一圈。不过看到他们我整个超级无敌开心的!!!
gosh, your CNY Birthday song... nearly faint away.
Hahaha... Why faint? You like it too much ler?
Me Me~i left my body at home on 2nd day..and all the kids at home ate finish d cream and cookies ice cream..
Ah Fa, I want the cream and cookies ice cream!!!
why i don hv chance to get drunk on tat day T_T
ah fa, where's my ice-cream?
XT, I dun think ice-cream will make u drunk... ==|||
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