Shhhhh... I'm doing this secretly in the office, so be quiet!
It took me quite some time to finally post this-- a review of 2007 and what to look for in 2008. I mean, gosh it's bloody 7th of Jan today! But because of the fact that last year has nothing exciting and this year erm... I guess there are a few, but I don't really know what to expect this year, so I really don't know whether is it okay to post this... Anywayz, since I've decided, lets see what can we talk about, I hope this won't be too boring!
Kakakaka... Do I still look pretty in the hospital?
I've finally cut my hair!... I took the risk really, I was always worry that short hair will make my face looks even rounder but since I've been getting good 'reviews' from the people... I'm loving it!
I've not only cut my hair, but learnt how to make my picture red!Whao!
Caroline's wedding dinner in Klang, with all the Hokkien songs...
I've watched hell lots of movies.... I'm sure it's not as many as Ducum. But the fact that I'm off on weekdays is just making it easier for me to get tickets and get into the cinema. Sometimes I even watched 3 movies in a day! I can't really remember much which are the movies that I've watched, but I can tell you Bourne Ultimatum is the best of all the sequels I've watched last year!
Don't ask me to choose between Jason Bourne and Matt Damon, please!!! I've got Chinese-dized... I'm always proud with the fact that I can speak, write and read English well despite the fact that I was in Chinese school for a freaking 11 years. And English has become much more important than any other languagues I can speak. But last year, after attending my TV Hosting course, I found out how bad my Mandarin was, and had worked hard on improving it. Probably because I was (and still) mixing around with my teachers and classmates whom I've got really close to, I speak more Mandarin, I listen to more Chinese songs, I blog more in Chinese, buying more Chinese magazines. And what about visiting Petaling Street more and visiting the Popular there more than ever?
The class with Pei Ying...
Beijing, here I come!!!
My graduation is coming soon too... It's going to be on the 19th of this month, running con-currently with the Youth Exhibition at the PWTC. I'm going to be acting on stage for the first time in my life! I'm not feeling nervous yet at the moment, but I'm bloody sure when the time comes... Aow! Actually, I'm not that excited about the graduation, since it was just a short course, but I'm more excited about the fact that I'm actually going to meet Kenny Sia. He is one of the speakers of the exhibition, and finger cross that I'll be free when he has his talk!
Missing you... My s500i!I want to be slimmer... Although I'm very tom-boyish, but duh... I'm still a girl!
Okay, Taiwan, I'll go there and see if you can really touch my heart, ok?
I want to go back to Perth... The second place I want to go after Taiwan. Not that I like Taiwan more, it's just that it's more expensive to travel to Australia. I missed everybody in Perth, the almost everything there! I WANT TO GO BACK TO PERTH!!!
Hey mates, how is it doing? I'm missing you guys so much that you can't measure with any ruler in the world!
Like I said, I have no idea what to expect in 2008, specifically in my life. And I don't even see any movies that I want to watch! Perhaps there will be a new job? Perhaps there will be a Beijing Olympic trip? Perhaps I'm finally leaving Malaysia for good? Perhaps I'll get a bf? Hmmm... Don't even want to think about it!
That's it guys... I think it's bloody boring cos I can see you yawning!
It took me quite some time to finally post this-- a review of 2007 and what to look for in 2008. I mean, gosh it's bloody 7th of Jan today! But because of the fact that last year has nothing exciting and this year erm... I guess there are a few, but I don't really know what to expect this year, so I really don't know whether is it okay to post this... Anywayz, since I've decided, lets see what can we talk about, I hope this won't be too boring!
In 2007......
I've got my second job... Yup and OMG it's already been 11 months!!! I can't believe it! I was so depressed and was always saying I wanted to quit, but damn it I've made it! It's almost one year now that I'm sticking at the same bloody job! Oh well, I'm sick of complaining about my job already... I mean, after all, the job is really not bad you know. The working hours, the pay, the allowance and all, you can't really get this kinda stuffs in other places. Okay, and now I'm feeling guilty. Because I don't think I'm good enough to get all these benefits! I'm not passionate with my job, I don't really write that well yet, and I'm definitely not making anything BIG! I don't know, that's why I say I don't know what to expect this year. I mean, I love sport, but I still can't put myself into a situation where I can critisize people just like that!I've had 0 boyfriend... Basically, it's 0 social life. With my weird working days and working hours, it's almost impossible for me to even catch up with friends. People are off on weekends while I have to work. So it is even harder to get a bf in this kinda situation, right? I don't meet many new guys you see, the ones I see the most are my boss, my colleagues, the sports officials (whom are all either married, middle-aged uncles or I'll be either crazy or blind going out with)and sportsmen... Ah ha! Sportsmen! Why didn't I get one of the sportsmen? Well, I'm dying for one, but there is just nobody lar!And to me, it has become a personal rule that I shouldn't get to0 close to these people because somehow, someday I might have to put the friendship aside and write them off on the paper! Anywayz, I'm sad that my friends are becoming lesser and lesser now but I'm not THAT sad with the fact that I'm not attached to anybody. I still enjoy doing stuffs alone, without anyone influencing whatever decision I make. And now that sounds like I better be single FOREVER!
I've been hospitalized for the first time in my life... What an experience that was! I don't I ever want that to happen again. And it did not make me slimmer! Arrrgggghhhh...
I've finally cut my hair!... I took the risk really, I was always worry that short hair will make my face looks even rounder but since I've been getting good 'reviews' from the people... I'm loving it!

I've gone to 2 friends' weddings... There supposed to be more, but I didn't go lar. You can't be expecting me to go to Perth, Hong Kong or Seremban just for a wedding right? Let's recount how many of my friends got married this year. Earlier on it was Bob, then Leha, Nora a.k.a Melati, Danielle (my HK friend back in Perth), 'koko' Vin Chin (my big bro in Perth, the Chinese from India, no, I'm not joking, he is REALLY A CHINESE FROM INDIA) and Caroline. Woo~hoo~ And does these all make me want to get married? The answer is NO!!!

I've watched hell lots of movies.... I'm sure it's not as many as Ducum. But the fact that I'm off on weekdays is just making it easier for me to get tickets and get into the cinema. Sometimes I even watched 3 movies in a day! I can't really remember much which are the movies that I've watched, but I can tell you Bourne Ultimatum is the best of all the sequels I've watched last year!

I've got so crazily in love with someone... Ta... Da... And that person is Xiao Ma, my favourite guy in the Taiwanese show, BBT. Well, I'm sure I'm not as crazy as how I used to be during school time. I don't really buy all the expensive Taiwanese magazines just because of him. But I'm spending a lot of my time on the internet doing stuffs that are really useless, to probably many of you. First of all, I got the position of Promotion Minister at his forum in a China-based forum site. And then before the end of 2007, I was one of the most important person who had made his official forum's posts' number reached 10,000! Xiao Ma also remembers me by my name (read my earlier posts), he had mentioned my name in his messages twice! And yes, I'm still working hard on his forums, and I'm still voting for him in the BBT official website every 5 mins whenever I'm on-line. I don't know how long will I stay crazy about him, but for now... Xiao Ma is the best! I love you Xiao Ma!!!
And I'm crazy, crazy about you....
And and... I think I've grown older (shit, what stupid comment?), perhaps grown prettier (hahahaha...), slimmer (I wish), perhaps my boobs got bigger? Nah, just kidding... Okay, that wasn't that funny isn't it?
So, In 2008...
The Beijing Olympic Games is coming!!!... I can tell you, I'M DYING TO GO! I'm actually secretly hoping that the company would send me there to cover the games and if they don't I will quit straight away (if you think I dare to). But the fact that I'm so new made it really tough for me to be chosen. Nevermind, it's ok, one day when I get rich I will go watch the Olympics, World Cup, etc ON MY OWN!!!So, In 2008...

My graduation is coming soon too... It's going to be on the 19th of this month, running con-currently with the Youth Exhibition at the PWTC. I'm going to be acting on stage for the first time in my life! I'm not feeling nervous yet at the moment, but I'm bloody sure when the time comes... Aow! Actually, I'm not that excited about the graduation, since it was just a short course, but I'm more excited about the fact that I'm actually going to meet Kenny Sia. He is one of the speakers of the exhibition, and finger cross that I'll be free when he has his talk!
I want my new mobile phone... You should know that I just lost my dear s500i last year. And he was only 2 months old when somebody stole it away from me! Bloody hell, I'm still cursing that person like hell! How dare he/she??? He/she should go fuck him/herself up! Okay, gone is gone, now I need to get a new one soon!

I want more 'vitamin M'... Everybody wants that, right?
I want to go to Taiwan...It's my dream! Everybody who went there came back and told me excitedly that Taiwan is just TOO COOL! Not only to travel, I'm actually thinking of working over there, so what say you?
I want to go back to Perth... The second place I want to go after Taiwan. Not that I like Taiwan more, it's just that it's more expensive to travel to Australia. I missed everybody in Perth, the almost everything there! I WANT TO GO BACK TO PERTH!!!

Like I said, I have no idea what to expect in 2008, specifically in my life. And I don't even see any movies that I want to watch! Perhaps there will be a new job? Perhaps there will be a Beijing Olympic trip? Perhaps I'm finally leaving Malaysia for good? Perhaps I'll get a bf? Hmmm... Don't even want to think about it!
That's it guys... I think it's bloody boring cos I can see you yawning!
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