Alvin recently told me about this blog site, which is quite interesting, it's called
The Worst of Perth. I actually think I can do something like
The The Worst of Malaysia or The Worst of KL. I've got some interesting photos too, which I wouldn't call them 'worst', they are just 'interesting' or 'weird'.
And it's time to start sharing them with you guys...
You can find these in any of the Watson stores, they have very pretty packaging. I think they look like some fancy kinda lozenges. What do you think? Just guess...1...2...3...Well, they are actually condoms! I bet they cost more than the normal ones... But they are just normal condoms... Would you actually spend extra money to buy these condoms for the night just because it has a really pretty packaging? I mean, I don't know, maybe you will be all boost up to f**k someone when you see pretty things like this?
Seriously, I sometimes put on a face mask while waiting for the bus to come at KL Central. The number of Malaysians smokers are you know... Terrible!!! This is taken by Ducum at a Malay food stall at Damansara Mutiara.
I think you get a lot of this in The Star, where you can get 50 bucks. It's just so Malaysian...Ah... Ah... Don't you dare, this picture is copy righted to Ducum Tan!!!
Pulau Langkawi is a very interesting island. They have all kinda weird names for their islands.At Pulau Kentut Kechil, people fart softer while at Pulau Kentut Besar, people fart louder.And if you're a Lion King's fan, you can find the daddy lions at the Pulau Singa Besar and the kid lions at the Pulau Singa Kechil.And I would really like to pay a visit to the Pulau Beras Basah because... You all know I LOVE PORRIDGE!!!
This is also another picture taken in Langkawi, the mini market right in front of the apartment that I was staying during my trip.Well, it may just sounds like a weird name for a mini market, but I warn you, you better be extremely careful when you tell people about it, especially on your punctuation. Imagine this...A: Hello, where are you?B: I'm at Pasaraya... Hello...A: Hello? Yea, I'm here, you cannot hear me ar? I asked you, where are you now!B: I'm at Pasaraya... Hello!A: Hello? Hello? Yes, I'm here!B: Yes I know, I'm here at Pasaraya... Hello!A: HELLO???B: #$@#%&**&&*^$$#
I saw this notice very recently. It was the RapidKL notice they put on their buses prior to the election. Alright, it says they will have to cut down on their frequency of their buses due to the election, because their drivers need to complete their responsibility of voting. Fine... I understand you need to vote on the 8th, that was the voting day! So what about the 9th? You are only voting right? You don't bloody need to stay up and count the vote until the next day, right? This is just another example of lazy Malaysians, plus, lazy RapidKL who still failed to impress me and the public on their services.
Well, this obviously is a menu at a Chinese restaurant. I just took this picture today. Pay attention to the drinks menu. They sell Herbal Teh and Chinese Teh. You know my mum has a sister named Christine Teh? Apparently she also has two long lost sisters and I found them on the menu, and they are Herbal Teh and Chinese Teh. Wow, what a great name to emphasis someone who is a REAL CHINESE!
Talking about Chinese restaurants... Well, they are not always bad in English you know. This one here is located in my hometown in Taiping. The Cantonese name of 无招牌 REALLY REALLY does mean 'NOSIGNBOARD'!
And of course, I've seen Tony Leong's ass, Leslie Cheong's ass, Tang Wei's ass and many many more asses I guess. And I would say I enjoyed watching them. BUT definitely not this one lor... It was a bit scary when my mom, Ducum and I saw this middle-aged guy happily taking bath besides the Taiping wet market. We were like, freaked out and was praying that he doesn't turn over and do something weird... Uncle, can you just go to some public toilet to do that ar?
Haha, the herbal teh and chinese teh so funny lar. Btw is that a kopitiam called "NOSIGNBOARD" in taiping? where is it? didnt heard before.
Thanks for your interesting sharing.
It's really cool. XD
Yes there is NOSIGNBOARD in Taiping. It's just near the Taiping market lar!
i think i've seen the same uncle taking bath behind of my uncle's shop(behind 廣衛生)
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