Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Healthy recipes

Still recovering from one of the biggest nightmares I've ever had in my life... FOOD POISONING!!! :S
I think never in my life have I ever refused food as much as this. And when I decided to eat big I vomited... So now I can only rely on porridge, Milo and bread, how sad???
Oh by the way, Deardo actually cooked dried scallops porridge for me when I was really sick! How sweet??? :D

Well before the 'poison' hit me, Deardo and I sort of decided it's time to cut down on what we eat. For that, here are two simple recipe I did at home that are light and healthy.

When Instant Noodles become Healthy!Not sure is this light, but it sure is healthy! I boiled up the Ginseng and Cordyceps Chicken Soup for about three hours but in stead of rice, we had it with noodles. I boiled some instant noodles, drained them and put in a bowl, together with some lettuce, then pour the soup onto them to make it a bowl of healthy instant noodles!
Trust me, instant noodles taste extremely good with the Ginseng soup! Yumzzz... And best part is, you get all the nutrition needed in the vege and chicken with an extra Ginseng kick!

Honey Mustard Chicken SaladI simply put some pre-packed mixed greens in a big bowl, added some halved cherry tomatoes, toasted sliced almonds and finally roasted chicken slices (I marinated the chicken with soya sauce, white and black pepper beforehand). I didn't make my own dressing though, got a bottle of pre-done honey mustard dressing from the supermarket and added some in. Finally squeeze some lime juice onto it to make it a perfect and yummy salad!My very simple roast chicken slices.
Be careful with the amount of honey mustard dressing you use though, it is actually probably fatter than Mayonnaise!
Now who says salad cannot be yummy? I always believe if you have the heart to make a boring salad become somehow interesting and flavourful, it can taste better than any other dishes! Well Deardo definitely enjoyed it! :D

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