Monday, May 10, 2010

Iron Man 2 *yawn~~~*

FYI, I've just watched the first Iron Man like a month ago, and I thought it was really good!
But I've heard quite a lot of bad reviews before watching this, people are saying it talks too much and it's lack of action... So I went into the cinema without very high hopes, oh ya know, sequel always couldn't really make it anywayz.
The thing is, it's worst than expected! First Iron Man has to defend himself at some meeting, they crap and crap and crap... *yawn~~~*So Iron Man is having problem with the round thingy (whatever it is called) and is dying so here we see him having problem and fights with his gf and best friend...*yawn~~~*, and all of a sudden he screwed his own birthday party by fighting with his best friend(which was a total stupid fight) who can actually goes into his lab and just put the suit on... *yawn~~~*, and Iron Man is looking for the right replacement for the round thingy and in the process talked to the SHIELD people*yawn~~~*, watched his papa's video and got really touched*yawn~~~*, and then we see him spent like zillion years building a new elements*yawn~~~*. And at the other side we saw the bad guy Hammer trying to use Ivan Vanko to build something to fight Iron Man and in between keep scolding him*yawn~~~*, and Hammer introduced some weapons one by one *yawn~~~*, and then we see Scarlett Johansson fights with this whole gang of useless security*yawn~~~yawn~~~yawn~~~*
Like my deardo said, in 2 hours, it's like 1 hour and 45 minutes of crap and 15 minutes of action. Well, I must say the action part is still very cool, only thing is, the climax is just too short! Only a few seconds into fighting Vanko, he's dead... Really WTF lor!
Oh and by the way, Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko is probably my favourite guy in the whole movie. I only get to know him since last year's Oscar where he was the hot favourite to win the Best Actor Award but eventually lost to my favourite actor Sean Penn. I can see he is a very good actor, he doesn't talk much, but wow, look at his expression man! And how he fakes his accent really amazed me! Besides, Terence Howard refusing to continue playing Lt Colonel James Rhodes ruined part of the movie. I'm always a fan of Terence Howard! the new guy, Don Cheadle not only didn't have a nice body and cool face as Terence Howard, his character became such a chicken compared to the first one... Totally stupid. And sorry guys, Scarlett Johansson's appearance in the movie really to me, is useless. Maybe it's just an attraction for you ham sap guys to watch it, which I think is unnecessary because all guys would watch it no matter what. Come on it's Iron Man!
Overall, I think the movie tried too hard to look sophisticated and it made it sucks big time! I would give it 2 out of 5.


Hayley said...

Haha, i actually dint expect it was that bad. it's a long awaited movie and i think many were thrilled by the trailer but end up....
sigh, they should not do too much of talking...

ShiRLeXia said...

Yea lar, my bf is especially very disappointed...

LayJinG said...

Errr ... so bad huh? Havent watch, but now think not worth to watch at cinema liao =P

ShiRLeXia said...

It is very bad Lay Jing...
Well you can still watch it lar since it's such a big movie...