That's exactly what I want to say after watching the movie!
First thing first, I never liked sci-fi movies, but I watched it because I've heard too many good reviews that I feel guilty if I don't watch it. Plus, what a cast man! I love almost everyone of them!
The story is about planting a dream in someone and getting information from the dream. So you see this whole gang of professionals creating and falling into layers of dreams... I was quite alright at the beginning until in the middle of the movie I started losing pace... And then I picked up a little by little... Yet, until the end I'm still confused and there are still a lot of question marks... Told ya I'm too dumb to watch smart movie like this...
Anywayz, I still think this is quite a cool movie. The special effects are so freaking cool I had to drop my jaw looking at them. I'm very amazed by all the design part of the movie! The music or score they call it is very cool it will stick in my head for a while. And because it's a smart movie, I do have very much respect for the creator, Christopher Nolan. He must have such a brilliant brain to think of such 'deep' idea! I have a feeling this movie is going to score big in big award ceremonies like the Oscar!
I think the movie owes a lot to the awesome cast too! They are all great actors who had either won or nominated for the Oscar! I'm not too much a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, but the likes of Joseph Gordon-Levvit, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Marion Cottilard, Cillian Murphy, Ken Watanabe and Michael Caine just made a perfect set of actors I adore! And I definitely think they did a super great job in the movie!
Well, it might be confusing, but I feel like I kinda like the movie! :p
Haha... at last u watch it! Mayb u can go "the sorcerer's apprentice", not complicated =P
I'm gonna catch this soon! (hope it's still in cinema..)
So how much rating you'd give?
Lay Jing, is it good? It doesn't really sound like the kinda movie I would watch wor...
Hayley, Urm maybe a 4 out of 5, although I don't really understand some of the stuff...
haha... totally different with inception! We no need to think =P Mmm... not bad, mayb just watch dvd?
Alright! :)
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