Oh but last Sunday I had a very fun night out celebrating Chuan Yee's 23rd birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN KEVIN FOO CHUAN YEE~!!! *pinch your FAT face~~~*
Before the dinner, we went to Bread Story to buy a birthday cake. We eventually chose their very special self-decorated cake. You buy their cake, which is fruit cake by default, then you will get all the coloured icing to draw on it the way you like it! Well at least we have Ducum and Abby who are design grad students and Ducum and I Rene who've worked in SR before, so it will be an easy task for them!
I think it's pretty fun IF you are good in drawing with icing!
Then we headed to Bubba Gump for our dinner. This is actually my second visit to Bubba Gump, first one was this one. I don't want to write any review on the food cos I think they are all just so-so. Plus, portion are just too small for that kinda price.
But I gotta say I had lotsa fun that night listening to especially Kevin's stories, from here and there. Like they all said, he is really like a radio who can tell you all you wanna know about your old schoolmates! It just sounds like he has contacts to everybody in school! And the way he tells story can just make you burst into laughter even if you are drinking water! *open umbrella first~*
Anywayz, I guess he had fun too having four leng luis celebrating his birthday and being cheated that the cake was baked by ourselves... Kakakakakaka... Chuan Yee, you're so cute lar~! *pinch FAT face again~~*
And then we went to the loo...
And then we got a call from Chuan Yee from the car park...
Blur blur punya birthday boy~! *pinch FAT face again~~~*
the funniest part is the last pic showing how careless am I.
While panic over the car couldn't start, u guys were crazy-ing cam whore in d toilet!!!
I must say luckily u guys spent some time there. or else, no one would help me to jump-start...
Thanks for everything! I know m the special one to special u all
say something pls...Hahaha
Stop changing names...==|||
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